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User:SmartpeopleRus/The Second Secession of 1858-1860

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Second Secession of 1858-1860 The second secession of 1858-1860 was a conflict during James Buchanan's presidency that involved the poor farming communities of Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota. Many were unhappy regarding the Farming Embargo of 1857, and during the Trail of Terror, these farmers and their families traveled across the country to Washington DC in order to protest, wrecking havoc and killing over 900 people on the way. When they arrived and attempted peaceful protest, the state militia opened fire on the crowd, marking the beginning of the 2 year conflict. More people moved to the coast, notably from Nebraska, to participate in the conflict, but they ultimately were no match for the influence of the business elite and government official's private militias and soldiers and all but 69 (those taken as prisoners of war) were killed in combat. The issue was not resolved until various representatives traveled to the Palace of Versailles to negotiate terms for a revision of the Farming Embargo that was the initial catalyst of the conflict. This "Treaty of Paris" was officially signed in 1860 and marked the end of the over 2 year conflict. As a result these farmers or "Condederados" immigraded to Sao Pauo, Brazil. Even today, this ethnic sub-group's descendants can be found in Brazil.

This conflict is often referred to as the "Second Civil War," and is considered controversial due to the fact that it displayed the incompetence of the American government to deal with seemingly irrelevant and simple farmers with far inferior weapons. For this reason, it is commonly not taught in classrooms. ...

