User:SoxBot II/Source
The following is automatically generated by SoxBot II.
- wikibot.classes.php is here.
Source to SoxBot II
[edit]<?PHP include '../Cluebot2/wikibot.classes.php'; include '../Cluebot2/cluebot2.config.php'; $wpq = new wikipediaquery; $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpi = new wikipediaindex; $wpapi->login($user,$pass); $wpi->forcepost('User:'.$user.'/Source',"The following is automatically generated by [[User:".$user."|]].\n\n\n\n* wikibot.classes.php is [[User:ClueBot/Source|here]].\n\n\n\n==Source to ".$user."==\n\n<pre>".htmlentities(file_get_contents(__FILE__))."</pre>\n\n\n\n~~~",'Automated source upload.'); /* Our source code, we force post this because this is *our* page, and it triggers the nobots. */ $text = $wpq->getpage('Wikipedia:Requests for adminship'); $result = array(); foreach (array(adminship,bureaucratship) as $rfx) { preg_match_all('/\{\{Wikipedia\:Requests for '.$rfx.'\/(.*)\}\}/', $text, $r); unset($r[1]); if ($rfx == 'adminship') { unset($r[0][0]); array_pop($r[0]); } print_r($r); $count = '0'; foreach ($r[0] as $data) { $count = $count + 1; } $month = array(4=>0,5=>1,6=>2,7=>3,8=>4,9=>5,10=>6,11=>7,12=>8,1=>9,2=>10,3=>11); $days = array(28=>8.6,29=>8.3,30=>8,31=>7.7); $out = (240*$month[date("n")])+(date("j")*($days[date("t")])).",".($count * 50); echo $out."\n"; array_push($result, $out); } print_r($result); $code = $wpq->getpage('User:Soxred93/RfA Graph'); $code = str_replace("<polyline stroke=\"#4A7EBB\" points=\"", "<polyline stroke=\"#4A7EBB\" points=\"\n".$result[0], $code); $code = str_replace("<polyline stroke=\"#BE4B48\" points=\"", "<polyline stroke=\"#BE4B48\" points=\"\n".$result[1], $code); file_put_contents('../Cluebot2/Graph of RfA and RfB.svg', $code); if (date("w") == '3') { $wpi->upload('../Cluebot2/Graph of RfA and RfB.svg','/home/soxred93/Cluebot2/Graph of RfA and RfB.svg','Automated upload of graph'); } $wpi->post('User:Soxred93/RfA Graph', $code, 'Posting the code for an SVG graph (BOT EDIT)'); ?>