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The unction of brain 4 General functions of the human brain according to experts - The human brain is a structural control center and has a volume of about 1,350 cc and consists of 100 million nerve cells or neurons. The human brain is responsible for controlling the entire human body and soul. Therefore, there is a very strong relationship between the brain and mind. The brain regulates and coordinates most bodily functions, homeostasis, behavior and movements such as blood pressure, heart rate, body fluid balance and body temperature.

The general function of the human brain

It is believed that the brain cells and nerves in it affect the condition of the human body. Knowledge or knowledge of the brain can affect cognitive psychology. The brain is also responsible for functions such as motor learning, recognition, emotional learning and other forms of memory.

The brain consists of two types of cells: neurons and glia. Neurons carry information in the form of electrical impulses called action potentials, while Glia is used to protect and support neurons. Both communicate with other neurons and throughout the body by sending various types of chemicals called neurotransmitters.

It is sent to a location or country, also called synapse. Invertebrates are almost like insects that can have millions of neurons in the human brain. Large vertebrates can also have around 100 billion neurons.

Brain neurons have two types of PUFA fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA), which are located in the neuron cell membrane at the location of the Sn2 phosphoglyceride molecule. PUFAs can be lost or released by phosphoglycerides by stimulation of PLA-2 phospholipase. The released AA molecules are converted to prostaglandins and thromboxane by the cyclooxygenase enzyme or converted to lipase oxygenase by the 5-lipo enzyme. Both AA and DHA can be transformed by the oxygenase enzyme into hydroxy and leukotriene derivatives. Parts of the human brain

In vertebrate brain anatomy, the forebrain (in English: forebrain, forebrain) is part of the human brain. At this stage, the development of the central nervous system, the forebrain develops and is separate in the midbrain and in the brain. If the embryo, the forebrain, can encounter obstacles in two conditions, there is a condition known as holoprosis sephali.

Big brain

The brain is the most important part of the forebrain. There are two parts of the brain, right and left brain. Each of these parts manages the body and vice versa, the left brain regulates the body's rights and vice versa. When the left side of the brain regulates the right side of the body, it disrupts the other side of the body and even paralysis. Each anterior hemisphere is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, oxpital, and temporal. They are separated between the frontal and parietal lobes by the middle groove or by the Rolando gap.

Medium brain

Midbrain is a part of the brain that has a structure:

1. Tectum, consisting of two pairs of colliculi, called Corpora Quadrigemina:

   Weak colic is involved in the process. Signals received from various nuclei in the thalamus brain stem are projected to the medial geniculate nucleus, called the primary auditory cortex (in English: primary auditory cortex).
   Colliculi is characterized by excellent control of visual and eye movements over time

2. A handful of brain flowers

   Tegmentum is a multi-synaptic network that is connected to the homeostatic trajectory and trajectory reflex systems.
   Substantia Nigra


The posterior brain (in English: myelencephalon, metencephalon, rhombencephalon) includes the advanced medulla (in English: Medulla oblongata), the cerebellum (in English: cerebellum), the Varol bridge (in English: Puncher, Puncher Varolii). These three parts make up the brain stem (English: brain stem).

The varol bridge consists of nerve fibers that connect the left and right lobes of the cerebellum and connect the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex.

Sophisticated marrow to form the lower part of the brain stem and the perforator bridge that connects the spinal cord. A group of reticular neurons in the medulla further controls the respiratory system and cranial nerves, which also control the heart rate in the medulla. It also acts as a regulator of physiological reflexes, atmospheric pressure, body temperature, widening or narrowing of blood vessels, movement of the excavation system.

Small brain

Cerebellum (English: cerebellum) is the largest part of the posterior brain. The cerebellum is in the lower position of the brain's occipital lobe. The cerebellum consists of two curved and split surfaces. The function of the cerebellum is to regulate posture, posture, coordinate and balance the movements of the muscles that are conscious. If the brain is slightly injured, it can affect posture and coordination of muscle movements. Movement becomes irregular. Visit : https://yuksinau.co.id


