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1977–1989: Early works


Describe the beginning of the development of an expanded Star Wars universe here, pre-Zahn. Don't go in-depth into individual works, leave those for later sections, unless a work is particularly important to the development of the release history of Star Wars or about the development of the continuity as a whole.

  • From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker
  • Splinter of the Mind's Eye
  • The Han Solo Adventures
  • The Adventures of Lando Calrissian
  • 1977 Marvel comics
  • West End Game's 1987 RPG

1991–1998: Formalization of the Expanded Universe


Discussion early works and their relationship to the Lucas canon here. All of the quotes currently under Star Wars canon#Star Wars Expanded Universe can go here. Briefly describe the development of the SWEU after Zahn here. Again, leave surveys of works for later sections. Mention only works important to development of the release history, i.e. Heir to the Empire, or to the development of continuity as a whole.

1999–2012: Establishment of the Holocron


2012–present: Canon restructuring under Disney


Discuss star Wars Story Group, which doesn't really have enough right now to warrant its own section, and establishment of Star Wars Legends and new canon.





Radio and audio drama






Video games


Other works


Multimedia and web series stuff

List of canon works
