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User:Walkuraxx/African ethnic groups

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

African ethnic groups per country including an ASC Leiden Thesaurus identifier

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Adangbe Q352275 ethnic group 294896570 ethnic group
2 Afikpo Q22639430 subgroup of the Igbo people 294896783 ethnic group
3 Afrikaners Q385799 Southern African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers 294897089 ethnic group
4 Afro Caribbeans Q2050339 Caribbean people with sub-Saharan African ancestry 294897127 ethnic group
5 Ait Hadiddou Q61404239 ethnic group 294897739 ethnic group
6 Ait Mizane Q54255067 ethnic group 294897747 ethnic group
7 Ait Ouriaghel Q410266 ethnic group 294897755 ethnic group
8 Ait Yafelman Q2876530 Ethnic group 294897763 ethnic group
9 Antandroy Q1772245 An ethnic group in Madagascar 294898581 ethnic group
10 Arbore people Q630321 ethnic group 294898999 ethnic group
11 Asante Q457341 ethnic group in Ghana 294899332 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
12 Asian people Q4058325 people of Asian origin 294899367 ethnic group
racial group
13 Bafour Q799802 ethnic group 294899898 ethnic group
14 Baga people Q799815 West African ethnic group 29489991X ethnic group
15 Baganda Q403656 ethnic group 294913165 ethnic group
16 Balanta people Q804639 ethnic group 294900101 ethnic group
17 Bantu people Q173371 family of ethnolinguistic groups in Africa 294900543 ethnic group
18 Banu Hilal Q790108 ethnic group 29490123X ethnic group
19 Barentu Oromo people Q4860459 subbranch ethnic group of Oromo people in Ethiopia and Kenya 294900683 ethnic group
20 Baster Q263176 Southern Africa ethnic group 294934510 ethnic group
21 Bedick people Q2929727 ethnic group 294901027 ethnic group
22 Beja people Q813961 ethnic group found mostly in Sudan, but also in parts of Eritrea and Egypt 29490106X ethnic group
23 Bench Q816715 people 40788744X ethnic group
24 Beni-Amer people Q4144552 A northeast African ethnic group 294901221 ethnic group
25 Betsimisaraka people Q2309630 Ethnic group in Madagascar 294901418 ethnic group
26 Bezanozano Q2334428 People of Madagaskar 294901434 people
ethnic group
27 Bhaca people Q4900495 ethnic groups of South Africa 294901442 ethnic group
28 Boki people Q28404718 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294902023 ethnic group
29 Bomvana Q10432774 ethnic group 294902120 ethnic group
30 Bondei people Q1613483 ethnic group of Tanzania 294902139 ethnic group
31 Builsa Q1003051 ethnic group 294902759 ethnic group
32 Bura people Q58207084 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294902872 ethnic group
33 Burji tribe Q1016325 ethnic group in Ethiopia and Kenya 294902902 ethnic group
34 Cape Malay Q1276753 ethnic group in South Africa 294903356 ethnic group
35 Chinese people Q6501380 ethnic groups 29490428X human population
ethnic group
36 Chopi people Q2964471 ethnic group of Mozambique 294904336 ethnic group
37 Creole Q498640 ethnic groups formed from mixed cultural and linguistic ancestry 294906428 ethnic group
38 Daba Q3011568 ethnic group 294906851 ethnic group
39 Dangaleat Q63196666 Ethnic group 294907068 ethnic group
40 Datooga people Q2395650 ethnic group from Arusha Region, Tanzania 294907149 ethnic group
41 Dendi people Q17073583 ethnic group in West Africa 294907483 ethnic group
42 Dhaiso people Q3888282 Bantu ethnolinguistic group in Tanzania 294906967 ethnic group
ethnolinguistic group
43 Dida Q3026843 population in West Africa 294907858 ethnic group
44 Didinga people Q133886 ethnic group 294907866 ethnic group
45 Digo people Q692836 ethnic group 294907904 ethnic group
46 Duala people Q1262591 ethnic group in the Cameroon 29490865X ethnic group
47 Ebrié Q3577339 akan people in Ivory Coast 294908870 ethnic group
48 Efutu people Q641329 ethnic group 294909397 ethnic group
49 Egbado Q10271018 ethnic group 294909435 ethnic group
50 Ehotile Q3049285 ethnic group 294910158 ethnic group
51 Elgeyo people Q5359985 ethnic group 294919449 ethnic group
52 Fali people Q3064750 ethnic group 29491109X ethnic group
53 Fengu people Q3072604 ethnic groups from South Africa 294911707 ethnic group
54 Fipa people Q2995992 ethnic group from Rukwa Region of Tanzania 294911723 ethnic group
55 Fon people Q12257903 West African ethnic group, largest in Benin 294911987 ethnic group
56 Ga-Adangbe people Q627897 ethnic group in West Africa 294912959 ethnic group
57 Gabra people Q1488058 ethnic group 294912983 ethnic group
58 Gade people Q58380736 ethnic group in Nigeria 294913009 ethnic group
59 Gagu Q63789534 Ivorian ethnic group 294913033 ethnic group
60 Gamo people Q749854 Gamo includes not chencha it also diversfied peoples like Qogota including Chench,Sulea... 294913130 ethnic group
61 Garanganze people Q2401958 tribe of Katanga who established the Yeke Kingdom 294945075 ethnic group
62 Giriama people Q1763989 Kenyan tribe 294913696 ethnic group
63 Godié people Q3109786 ethnic group 294913793 ethnic group
64 Gola people Q1534501 ethnic group 29491384X ethnic group
65 Gorowa people Q1538409 ethnic group 294913939 ethnic group
66 Griqua people Q1547060 Southern African ethnic group 294914293 ethnic group
67 Guanches Q219995 native inhabitants of the Canary Islands 294914390 ethnic group
68 Guji Oromo people Q1554193 ethnic group 294914528 ethnic group
69 Gumuz people Q1434687 ethnic group 294936963 ethnic group
70 Ha people Q2995962 an East African ethnic group near Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania) 294914846 ethnic group
71 Hadimu Q5637872 ethnic group native to the Zanzibar archipelago 294914870 ethnic group
72 Hadiya people Q16930512 ethnic group 294914889 ethnic group
73 Hadza people Q1258889 ethnic group 294914919 ethnic group
74 Haiǁom Q4494782 indigenous ethnic group of Namibia 29491496X ethnic group
75 Halaba people Q39046649 ethnic group in central Ethiopian Highlands 398435162 ethnic group
76 Havu Q3128728 ethnic group 294915109 ethnic group
77 Hehe people Q1261861 ethnic group in Tanzania 294915303 ethnic group
78 Hema people Q1604701 Bantu ethnic group 294915435 ethnic group
79 Hemba people Q3130001 bantu ethnic group 29491532X ethnic group
80 Hlubi people Q5873575 Southern African people 294915575 ethnic group
81 Hunde people Q39045365 African people 294915931 ethnic group
82 Ik people Q485273 ethnic group 294916350 ethnic group
83 Imraguen people Q1660486 ethnic group of Mauritania and Western Sahara. 294916636 ethnic group
84 Ingessana people Q6032415 ethnic group in Sudan 294917233 ethnic group
85 Iramba people Q2510251 ethnic group from Shinyanga and Singida Regions of Tanzania 294928669 ethnic group
86 Ja'alin tribe Q3845157 an Arabic speaking, Semitic tribe 294918213 ethnic group
87 Jakhanke people Q3025924 ethnic group 29491823X ethnic group
88 Kabyle people Q648255 Berber ethnic group indigenous to Kabylia 294918701 ethnic group
89 Kalanga people Q1193813 Bantu ethnic group 294918884 ethnic group
90 Kambaata people Q2574442 Cushitic ethnic group in Ethiopia 294918957
ethnic group
91 Kgalagadi Q3195906 Botswanan people 294919465 ethnic group
92 Khassonké people Q1740605 ethnic group 294944826 ethnic group
93 Kiga people of Kigezi Q804430 Bantu ethnic group native to south western Uganda and northern Rwanda 294904107 ethnic group
94 Kofyar people Q6425743 Nigerian people 294919775 ethnic group
95 Kololo tribe Q1779570 people of Southern Africa 294919791 ethnic group
96 Koma Q1779756 ethnic group in Africa 294919848 ethnic group
97 Koniagui Q2993262 ethnic group 294919929 ethnic group
98 Koranna Q15859731 ethnic group 294920048 ethnic group
99 Kore people Q1784307 people on Lamu Island in Kenya 294920072 ethnic group
100 Kru people Q1537493 ethnic group in Ivory Coast and Liberia 294920307 ethnic group
101 Kunama people Q1225113 ethnic group 294920420 ethnic group
102 Kunda people Q4247147 Bantu speaking people 294920447 ethnic group
103 Kuria people Q1552724 ethnic group 294920501 ethnic group
104 Kwama people Q1396225 ethnic group 29491983X ethnic group
105 Kwangali Q5961059 traditional Kavango kingdom in modern-day Namibia 294920706 ethnic group
106 Lala people Q5969607 ethnic group 294921176 ethnic group
107 Langi people Q1273334 ethnic group 294921427 ethnic group
108 Lawbe people Q3217683 ethnic group 294921621 ethnic group
109 Lendu Q2375955 ethnic group of Democratic Republic of Congo 294921990 ethnic group
110 Lese Q15407275 African people 339754885 ethnic group
111 Logo people Q6667747 Ethnic group in central Africa 294922695 ethnic group
112 Lotuko people Q115862 ethnic group 294930604 ethnic group
113 Lugbara people Q975894 ethnic group 29492292X ethnic group
114 Luhya Q277647 Bantu ethnic group in Kenya 294923179 ethnic group
115 Maale people Q3281786 people of Eastern Africa living in southwestern Ethiopia 338315373 ethnic group
116 Maguzawa Hausa people Q626226 ethnic group 294923365 ethnic group
117 Majang people Q919224 ethnic group 294923446 ethnic group
118 Makonde people Q48885 ethnic group 294923470 ethnic group
119 Mamvu (people) Q3285085 Idadi ya watu wa Afrika ya Kati na Mashariki wanaoishi katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo 294923756 ethnic group
120 Mandari people Q116299 ethnic group 294923853 ethnic group
121 Mano people Q17110031 ethnic group in Liberia 294923985 ethnic group
122 Manyika tribe Q760720 of eastern Zimbabwe 294924027 ethnic group
123 Masa people Q726434 ethnic group 294924345 ethnic group
124 Mbara people Q25394168 ethnic group in Chad 294924728 ethnic group
125 Mbato Q612456 ethnic group 294914765 ethnic group
126 Mbugu people Q3303563 ethnic group 29492485X ethnic group
127 Mbukushu Q16882745 tribe and kingdom in Southern Africa 294924876 ethnic group
128 Mbum Q3303556 ethnic group 294924914 ethnic group
129 Meru people Q1290677 ethnic group 29492535X ethnic group
130 Meta (peuple) Q15407282 ethnic group 294925384 ethnic group
131 Mofu Q6890376 ethnic group 294926038 ethnic group
132 Murle people Q116203 Murlen single Murle people 294926771 ethnic group
133 Mursi people Q1276229 ethnic group 294926798 ethnic group
134 Musgum people Q1249811 ethnic group 294926690 ethnic group
135 Nande Q3335624 The Nande (Yira) are a Bantu population of Central Africa established in the east of the DR Congo,also in Uganda where they are called Konzo. They are the most enterprising and dynamic people in the country. 294927174 ethnic group
136 Nandi people Q1424902 ethnic group 294927190 ethnic group
137 Nawuri Q1972464 ethnic group 294927778 ethnic group
138 Ndembu people Q3337463 are a Bantu population of central and southern Africa established in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294927832 ethnic group
139 Ndendeule people Q3895199 native peoples of Ruvuma Region 355255596 ethnic group
140 Ngindo people Q1570205 ethnic group 294928316 ethnic group
141 Nsenga Q1783687 ethnic group in Africa 294929169 ethnic group
142 Nuba peoples Q1280105 ethnic group 294929274 ethnic group
143 Nubian people Q15140604 ethnolinguistic group native to northern Sudan and southern Egypt 294929312 ethnic group
144 Nuer people Q822279 ethnic group 294929347 ethnic group
145 Nyabwa Q3346565 ethnic group 294929517 ethnic group
146 Okun people Q23808457 Yoruba subgroup 294930272 ethnic group
147 Oorlam people Q1419240 ethnic group 331136554 ethnic group
148 Pedi people Q1265850 South African ethnic group 294931503 ethnic group
149 Pogoro people Q3393218 ethnic group central-southern Tanzania 294932232 ethnic group
150 Pokomo people Q846804 ethnic group 294932259 ethnic group
151 Pokot people Q2573955 ethnic group 294939490 ethnic group
152 Pondo people Q7227736 southern African ethnic group 294932623 ethnic group
153 Qemant people Q1738459 small ethnic group in Northwestern Ethiopia particularly in Gondar 294934022 ethnic group
154 Reguibat tribe Q3398927 nomadic Sahrawi tribe of Sanhaja-Berber origins 294934979 ethnic group
155 Rendille people Q1817409 ethnic group of Kenya 294934715 ethnic group
156 Rolong people Q1136094 ethnic group 294935258 ethnic group
157 Romani people Q8060 Indo-Aryan ethnic group 294914838 ethnic group
itinerant groups of Europe
158 Rufiji people Q3624326 Also in Rufiji the ethnic and linguistic group known as Ndengereko tribe 294935401 ethnic group
159 Rwa people Q3892525 ethnic group from Tanzania 294935703 ethnic group
160 Sanga people Q7417767 ethnic group in Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo 294936114 ethnic group
161 Sangu people Q3892531 ethnic group from Mbeya Region of Tanzania 294936130 ethnic group
162 Sebei people Q2904712 people from east Africa 294936203 ethnic group
163 Segeju people Q3888291 ethnic group from Tanga Region of Tanzania 294936688 ethnic group
164 Serer people Q739970 West African ethnic group 294936904 ethnic group
165 Shirazi people Q603267 African ethnic group on the Swahili coast and nearby Indian ocean islands 294937323 ethnic group
166 Sidama people Q1192069 ethnic group 294937412 ethnic group
167 Sierra Leone Creole people Q2983498 ethnic group 294920242 ethnic group
168 Silt'e people Q848299 ethnic group 392768712 ethnic group
169 Soga Q3488894 African people 29493829X ethnic group
170 Somono Q3489977 ethnic group 294938451 ethnic group
171 Songye people Q810544 ethnic group 29493846X ethnic group
172 Sonjo people Q3892546 ethnic group from Arusha Region, Tanzania 294938575 ethnic group
173 Southern Ndebele people Q1972827 African ethnic group located in South Africa and Zimbabwe 294927816 ethnic group
174 Tachelhit people Q1267932 Berber ethnic group in Morocco 294904298 ethnic group
175 Tagwana people Q44834813 ethnic group 377121908 ethnic group
176 Taita people Q1276078 The Taita people are an ethnic group in Kenya's Taita-Taveta County. 294939938 ethnic group
177 Taveta people Q7689083 ethnic group native to East Africa 294940170 ethnic group
178 Tekna Q3062634 ethnic group 294940421 ethnic group
179 Tellem Q1140362 ethnic group 294940472 ethnic group
180 Tembo Q66429143 ethnic group in Congo 294940510 ethnic group
181 Tennet people Q7700271 ethnic group in South Sudan 39769041X ethnic group
182 Tharaka Q3519593 African people 294940847 ethnic group
183 Tima people Q7804554 ethnic group 376075503 ethnic group
184 Tiriki tribe Q7809221 Clan in Western Kenya 294941045 ethnic group
185 Tonga people Q3993042 ethnic group in northern Malawi 326573437 ethnic group
186 Tonga people of Zambia and Zimbabwe Q1431896 ethnic group 294941177 ethnic group
187 Topnaar people Q25045382 people group in Namibia 294941231 ethnic group
188 Topoke people Q3532102 is an ethnic group that is part of the Ana-Mongo. They live in the territory of Isangi, Tshopo district, Orientale province, Democratic Republic of Congo 294941258 ethnic group
189 Toposa people Q115864 ethnic group 294941266 ethnic group
190 Toura Q3533882 ethnic group 294942106 ethnic group
191 Tsamai people Q2457334 ethnic group 327517085 ethnic group
192 Tsimahafotsy people Q54217381 ethnic group from Madagascar 294941835 ethnic group
193 Tsimihety people Q2526495 an ethnic group of north-central Madagascar 294941843 ethnic group
194 Tsonga people Q902325 ethnic group in Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 294941878 ethnic group
195 Tugen people Q2459298 tribe of Kenya 294941967 ethnic group
196 Tumbuka people Q534134 southern African ethnic group of northern Malawi and nearby regions 294942025 ethnic group
197 Tupuri people Q3532986 ethnic group, population 215466.0 294942084 ethnic group
198 Turu people Q3851414 ethnic and linguistic group based in the Singida Region of north-central Tanzania 294929673 ethnic group
199 Twa Q7857394 group of African Pygmy peoples 412405210 ethnic group
200 Uduk people Q133652 Nilo-Saharan group from southeastern Sudan 294942246 ethnic group
201 Wagenya Q4017651 African people 294910131 ethnic group
202 Wodaabe Q578475 ethnic group 294902309 ethnic group
203 Xhosa people Q207996 ethnic group 294944842 ethnic group
204 Yaaku people Q2667274 ethnic group 294944877 ethnic group
205 Yalunka people Q3160743 ethnic group of West Africa 29494494X ethnic group
206 Yombe people Q1717132 people of Central Africa, established in Mayombe, in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo 294945148 ethnic group
207 Zande people Q793575 ethnic group 294945350 ethnic group
208 caste Q484416 group of clans following particular culture, tradition and beliefs 294903607 ethnic group
209 maroons Q445485 African refugees who escaped from slavery in the Americas, and their descendants 294924272 ethnic group
group of humans
dictionary page in Wikipedia
210 ǃKung people Q847913 ethnic group in Southern Africa 294895760 ethnic group
211 عرب ازد Q1672477 عرب ازد من نسل سليمة بن مالك بن فهم الازدي 294917810 ethnic group
212 Ọhọri Q16465908 Nigerian people 294897631 ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Beni Souik Q61294465 Algerian people 294901256 ethnic group Algeria
2 Chaamba Q2007538 Algerian people 294903879 tribe
ethnic group
3 Megarha Q61648905 Algerian and Libyan people 294925120 ethnic group Algeria
4 Mekhadma Q61648927 Algerian people 294925147 ethnic group Algeria
5 Mozabite people Q1932580 ethnic group 294927077 ethnic group Algeria
6 Sa'id Atba Q61650732 Algerian people 294935762 ethnic group Algeria


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Angolans Q97890404 citizens or residents of Angola 294898425 human population
ethnic group
2 Chokwe people Q1075883 ethnic group of Central Africa 294904301 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Diriku Q56051638 ethnic goup in Southern Africa 294908056 ethnic group Angola
4 Hanya Q61651093 Angolan people 29491501X ethnic group Angola
5 Himba people Q612697 Ethnic group of people in Namibia 294915443 ethnic group Angola
6 Khumbi Q61703959 Angolan people 29491952X ethnic group Angola
7 Kisama Q55697918 Angolan people 294919724 ethnic group Angola
8 Kwadi Q61725036 Angolan people 294920641 ethnic group Angola
9 Luimbi Q61730267 Angolan people 294922954 ethnic group Angola
10 Lunda people Q1292932 ethnic group in Angola, the Democratic Republic in the Congo and Zambia 294922997 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
11 Luvale people Q602958 ethnic group in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia 294923136 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
12 Maiacas Q61806744 Angolan people 294923411 ethnic group Angola
13 Mashi Q61813198 Southern African people 391098853 ethnic group Angola
14 Mbangala Q61813408 Angolan people 29492471X ethnic group Angola
15 Mbunda people Q15077462 ethnic group in Angola and Zambia 294924930 ethnic group Angola
16 Mbundu people Q460091 ethnic group in Angola 294956565 ethnic group Angola
17 Ndombe Q61818708 Angolan people 294927859 ethnic group Angola
18 Ngangela people Q1493547 ethnic group in Angola and Zambia 294928219 ethnic group Angola
19 Nyaneka Q626078 ethnic group 294929576 ethnic group Angola
20 Ovambo people Q1137067 A Southern African ethnic group 294930612 ethnic group Angola
21 Ovimbundu people Q1257799 ethnic group in southern Angola 294930647 ethnic group Angola
22 Ruund Q61884003 Angolan and Congolese people 294935681 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
23 Songo people Q3490362 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294938516 ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
24 Zombo people Q61884051 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29494558X ethnic group Angola
Democratic Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Aja people Q357684 ethnic group of Benin, Nigeria, and Togo 294897798 ethnic group Benin
2 Anlo Ewe people Q56371 ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294898514 ethnic group Benin
3 Bebedibe Q61902754 Beninese people 294900993 ethnic group Benin
4 Bialaba Q61902877 West African people 294901477 ethnic group Benin
Burkina Faso
5 Biyobe Q61955062 Beninese and Togolese people 333153316 ethnic group Benin
6 Busa Q58207445 West African people 294902996 ethnic group Benin
7 Chakosi people Q612391 ethnic group 294898743 ethnic group Benin
8 Ewe Q732317 ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294910808 ethnic group Benin
9 Gun Q15407323 Beninese people 294914595 ethnic group Benin
10 Gurma people Q1294392 ethnic group in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, Togo 294914668 ethnic group Benin
Burkina Faso
11 Mokole Q61964236 Beninese people 314707131 ethnic group Benin
12 Somba people Q1412407 ethnic group 294900861 ethnic group Benin
13 Songhai people Q487902 West African ethnic group 294938486 ethnic group Benin
14 Taneka people Q29068346 Beninese people 294940049 ethnic group Benin
15 Tofinnu Q25395481 Beninese people 294941126 ethnic group
isolated human group
16 Tém Q739827 ethnic group 294940499 ethnic group Benin
17 Waama Q3564905 Beninese people 294943536
ethnic group Benin
18 Waci Q30745642 Beninese and Togolese people 294943552 ethnic group Benin
19 Wéménou Q61964624 Beninese people 294943927 ethnic group Benin
20 Yoruba people Q190168 ethnic group of Nigeria, Benin and Togo 294945164 ethnic group Benin
21 Yowa Q61964656 Beninese people 294945261 ethnic group Benin


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Birwa Q62414349 Botswanan and South African people 294901760 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
2 Kgatla Q3195909 ethic group of Southern Africa 294919473 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
3 Mangwato Q2628797 Botswanan and Zambian people 294928529
ethnic group Botswana
4 Nguni people Q1268405 group of Bantu peoples who currently reside predominantly in Southern Africa, including Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Swazi people 294928480 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
5 San people Q172365 members of various indigenous hunter-gatherer people of Southern Africa 294936068 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
6 Sotho people Q577576 Basotho (Southern Sotho) - ethnic group in Southern Africa 294938621 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
7 Subiya people Q7631357 Botswanan and Namibian people 294939350 ethnic group Botswana
8 Tawana people Q2891085 ethnic group 29490087X ethnic group Botswana
9 Tlokwa Q353971 ethnic group 29494110X ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
10 Tswana people Q810917 ethnic group 294941894 ethnic group Botswana
South Africa
11 Yeyi people Q4205797 Botswanan and Namibian people 294945121 ethnic group Botswana


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 African Brazilians Q388315 racial or ethnic group of Brazilians with African ancestry 294897119 ethnic group Brazil
2 Arabs Q35323 Arabic-speaking ethnic and national groups, originally from the Arabian Peninsula 294898972 ethnic group Brazil
United States of America

Burkina Faso

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Birifor people Q645641 ethnic group in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, and Ghana 29490171X ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
2 Bissa people Q866644 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294901779 ethnic group Burkina Faso
3 Bobo people Q888796 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Mali 294901957 ethnic group Burkina Faso
4 Bolon Q61971683 Burkinabe and Malian people 294902066 ethnic group Burkina Faso
5 Bwa people Q1018432 ethnic group of Burkina Faso and Mali 294903097 ethnic group Burkina Faso
6 Dagaaba people Q1157179 ethnic group in West Africa 294906886 ethnic group Burkina Faso
7 Dioula Q32706 Mande language spoken in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali 294918604 language
modern language
ethnic group
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
8 Dyan Q62026419 Burkinabe people 294908757 ethnic group Burkina Faso
9 Dyula people Q1711628 ethnic group in West Africa 294908781 ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
10 Ikelan Q2894610 Nilotic-origin former slave caste of Tuaregs 294901108 ethnic group
Burkina Faso
11 Kaaba Q62033326 Burkinabe people 294918655 ethnic group Burkina Faso
12 Kassena Q640425 ethnic group in Ghana and Burkina Faso 294919252 ethnic group Burkina Faso
13 Kunta Q1479267 ethnic group in Mali, described as Arab or Berber tribe 29492048X ethnic group Burkina Faso
14 Kurumba people Q3200623 Burkinabe people 294920528 ethnic group Burkina Faso
15 Kusasi people Q641332 ethnic group in West Africa 294920552 ethnic group Burkina Faso
16 Lobi people Q961201 ethnic group 294922601 ethnic group Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
17 Lyélé Q62383060 Burkinabe people 294923209 ethnic group Burkina Faso
18 Mandinka people Q819186 West African ethnic group 294923888 ethnic group Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Ivory Coast
Sierra Leone
19 Moba people Q863463 West African ethnic group 314288171 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
Burkina Faso
20 Mossi people Q1165955 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Togo 294926348 ethnic group Burkina Faso
21 Nuna people Q3346445 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 29492938X ethnic group Burkina Faso
22 Phuo Q2089170 Ethnic group 294931880 ethnic group Burkina Faso
23 Samo people Q1311522 ethnic group 294936041 ethnic group Burkina Faso
24 Siamou Q12642063 Burkinabe people 322524997 ethnic group Burkina Faso
25 Sikomse Q62383741 Burkinabe people 294937471 ethnic group Burkina Faso
26 Sisala people Q62383756 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294937579 ethnic group Burkina Faso
27 Soninke people Q1146970 ethnic group in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. 294938559 ethnic group Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Ivory Coast
28 Tallensi Q2038622 Burkinabe and Ghanaian people 294939962 ethnic group Burkina Faso
29 Turka people Q18210621 Burkinabe people 407948333 ethnic group Burkina Faso
30 Yarse Q17041644 Burkinabe people 294945024 ethnic group Burkina Faso


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Assumbo Q58463504 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294917780 ethnic group Cameroon
2 Bakoko Q2880300 ethnic group in Cameroon 294900063 ethnic group Cameroon
3 Bakossi people Q73629 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294920129 ethnic group Cameroon
4 Baldamu Q60329459 Cameroonian people 29490011X ethnic group Cameroon
5 Bali people Q2880809 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294900136 ethnic group Cameroon
6 Bamenda Q55768605 A collective term for the peoples of the smaller and larger chiefdoms/kingdoms of the western grassfields in the North West Province of Cameroon. 294900209 ethnic group Cameroon
7 Bamileke people Q806017 ethnic group of West Province of Cameroon 294900217 ethnic group Cameroon
8 Bamun people Q322083 ethnic group in Cameroon 294900233 ethnic group Cameroon
9 Bana people Q54504789 ethnic group in the Cameroon; designates the Bana who live in Cameroon on the Nigerian border, north and northeast of Bourrah, Bourrah Subdivision, Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far North Province and who speak a Biu-Mandara language. 294900268 ethnic group Cameroon
10 Banen Q60438865 Cameroonian people 294900373 ethnic group Cameroon
11 Banyang people Q2883559 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294929592 ethnic group Cameroon
12 Basa people Q672268 ethnic group of Cameroon 294900756 ethnic group Cameroon
13 Bekwel Q3200841 Central African people 294901078 ethnic group Cameroon
Republic of the Congo
14 Beti people Q28208771 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294901396 ethnic group Cameroon
15 Bulu people Q1004707 ethnic group in Cameroon and Gabon 294902813 ethnic group Cameroon
16 Chamba people Q1060527 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 29490395X ethnic group Cameroon
17 Dii Q3038163 Cameroonian people 294907912 ethnic group Cameroon
18 Eton people Q1371631 ethnic group in Cameroon 294910654 ethnic group Cameroon
19 Evuzok Q28500059 Cameroonian people 294910794 ethnic group Cameroon
20 Ewondo people Q1383236 ethnic group in Cameroon 294910824 ethnic group Cameroon
21 Fang people Q1295544 ethnic group in Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea 294911189 ethnic group Cameroon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
22 Gemjek Q15407289 Cameroonian people 294913335 ethnic group Cameroon
23 Giziga Q3120710 Cameroonian people 294913734 ethnic group Cameroon
24 Ide Q60627613 Cameroonian people 29491613X ethnic group Cameroon
25 Isu Q55084113 ethnic group of Cameroon 9839262869802711
9839262869802711 MMS 9839262869802711
ethnic group Cameroon
26 Kako Q60628900 West African people 294918833 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
27 Kapsiki people Q2437423 Ethnic groep 294919104 people
ethnic group
28 Kirdi Q1430603 ethnic group (a collective name given to various non-Islamicized peoples in northern Cameroon and Chad) 294919708 ethnic group Cameroon
29 Kom people Q3198499 ethnic group in Cameroon 323851061 ethnic group Cameroon
30 Koma Q59184910 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294919821 ethnic group Cameroon
31 Kundu Q56312664 Cameroonian people 294920455 ethnic group Cameroon
32 Kwakum Q28498937 Cameroonian people 314285008 ethnic group Cameroon
33 Kwanja Q56312279 Cameroonian people 294920722 ethnic group Cameroon
34 Laamang Q59185911 West African people 294920927 ethnic group Cameroon
35 Laimbwe Q60647465 Cameroonian people 369858484 ethnic group Cameroon
36 Mada Q60647513 Cameroonian people 294923276 ethnic group Cameroon
37 Mafa people Q3276439 African ethnic group 294923306 ethnic group Cameroon
38 Makaa people Q1324834 ethnic group 294923462 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
39 Mandara Q2297785 A Central African ethnic group 294923829 ethnic group Cameroon
40 Margi people Q4281200 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294924124 ethnic group Cameroon
41 Mbo people Q3303532 Cameroonian people 345508432 ethnic group Cameroon
42 Mboko people Q6799721 Cameroonian people 322851130 ethnic group Cameroon
43 Mfumte people Q15407286 ethnic group in the Cameroon 29494480X ethnic group Cameroon
44 Mmen Q60329904 Cameroonian people 323375855 ethnic group Cameroon
45 Mpiemo Q56307812 ethnic group 294926550 ethnic group Cameroon
Central African Republic
46 Muktele Q15407281 Cameroonian people 294926615 ethnic group Cameroon
47 Muyang Q15407291 Cameroonian people 294926968 ethnic group Cameroon
48 Ngoro Q56308793 Cameroonian people 29492843X ethnic group Cameroon
49 Njem people Q1994271 West African people 294928774 ethnic group Cameroon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
50 Nso people Q7067573 Cameroonian people 294929177 ethnic group Cameroon
51 Ntumu people Q3345985 ethnic group in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon 294929258 ethnic group Cameroon
Equatorial Guinea
52 Nyem-Nyem Q61272261 Cameroonian people 352781564 ethnic group Cameroon
53 Paduko Q2217254 Cameroonian people 29493071X ethnic group Cameroon
54 Pape Q56736356 Cameroonian people 294930949 ethnic group Cameroon
55 Platha Q61283825 Cameroonian people 29493216X ethnic group Cameroon
56 Pouakam Q61283830 Cameroonian people 372705146 ethnic group Cameroon
57 Tikar people Q241843 ethnic group in Cameroon 294940960 ethnic group Cameroon
58 Uldeme Q12645306 Cameroonian people 294942319 ethnic group Cameroon
59 Widekum people Q3567943 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294944117 ethnic group Cameroon
60 Yamba people Q15407278 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294944958 ethnic group
ethnic minority group
61 Yasa Q55380041 Ethnic group 294945032 ethnic group Cameroon
Equatorial Guinea
62 Zulgo Q15407296 Cameroonian people 29494561X ethnic group Cameroon

Central African Republic

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Banda people Q806236 ethnic group in Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan. 294900292 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
2 Furu Q62996265 Central African Republic and Congolese people 294912894 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Gbaya people Q1496762 ethnic group (designates the Gbaya who inhabit Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo (Brazzaville) and who speak an Adamawa language. ) 294913270 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
4 Mandja people Q1584363 ethnic group 294924051 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
5 Mbati Q62997639 Central African Republic people 294924744 ethnic group Central African Republic
6 Ngama Q62997769 Central African Republic and Chadian people 294928146 ethnic group Central African Republic
7 Ngando Q63196435 Central African peoples 294928189 ethnic group Central African Republic
8 Ngbaka people Q1165960 ethnic group in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928243 ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 Ngbandi people Q1368812 ethnic group in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 29492826X ethnic group Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
10 Nzakara Q980647 ethnic group 294929762 ethnic group Central African Republic
11 Pana Q63196580 Central African Republic people 294930922 ethnic group Central African Republic


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Awlad Sulayman Q63196592 Chadian and Libyan people 29489974X ethnic group Chad
2 Babalia Q57244528 Chadian people 294899812 ethnic group Chad
3 Baggara Q799892 ethnic group 294899936 ethnic group
4 Bagirmi people Q2884627 ethnic group in Central African Republic, Chad, and Sudan 294899944 ethnic group Chad
Central African Republic
5 Bargo people Q2455014 an ethnic group of Chad, Sudan and Central African Republic 294923241 ethnic group Chad
6 Budugur Q63196612 Chadian people 294902716 ethnic group Chad
7 Buduma people Q2921499 West African people 294902724 ethnic group Chad
8 Daju people Q167122 ethnic group 294906975 ethnic group Chad
9 Gidar Q55768722 West African people 294913645 ethnic group Chad
10 Hadjarai peoples Q5637911 Chadian people 294914900 ethnic group Chad
11 Kanembu people Q1723704 Nigerian people 294919007 ethnic group Chad
12 Kargu Q63196684 Chadian people 294919198 ethnic group Chad
13 Kulaal Q63203886 Chadian people 294920366 ethnic group Chad
14 Margai Q63203908 Chadian people 294924116 ethnic group Chad
15 Masalit people Q1640583 ethnic group in western Sudan and eastern Chad 294924388 ethnic group Chad
16 Mukulu Q63204879 Chadian people 294926623 ethnic group Chad
17 Ngambaye Q63205804 Chadian people 294928162 ethnic group Chad
18 Noy Q63205935 Chadian people 294929142 ethnic group Chad
19 Sara people Q969552 ethnic group in Chad, Sudan and Central African Republic 294936238 ethnic group Chad
Central African Republic
20 Teda people Q3046609 ethnic group in Chad, Libya, and Niger 294940383 ethnic group Chad
21 Toubou people Q521547 A North African ethnic group 294941959 ethnic group Chad
22 Tunjur people Q1518307 An ethnic group 294942041 ethnic group Chad
23 Zaghawa people Q140328 Central African ethnic group 29494530X
ethnic group Chad

Democratic Republic of the Congo

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Amba people Q1084754 Congolese and Ugandan people 294899804 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Ambo Q63516902 Congolese and Zambian people 294898204 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Babali Q56701810 Congolese people 339755865 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
4 Bambote Q64080613 Congolese people 294900195 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
5 Bangala Q2882454 Ethnic group 29490039X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
6 Bangba Q55768579 Congolese people (Democratic Republic of Congo) 294900403 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Banyamulenge Q134469 ethnic group 29490056X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
8 Banziri Q31838012 ethnic group in the Central African Republic and in the Democratic Republic of Congo 305223720 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
9 Bari people Q200453 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and Uganda 294900705 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
10 Bashu Q64081506 Congolese people and Ugandan people 294900780 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
11 Batiabetuwa Q64081718 Congolese people 29490090X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
12 Bembe people Q2895261 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294901132 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
13 Bira people Q2904355 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who live in both forest and savannah territory 29490168X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
14 Bobangis Q2907905 Congolese ethnicity shared between the Democratic Republic of Congo 294900411 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
15 Boma people Q2909576 ethnic group in southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294902090 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
16 Bondjo Q64149610 Congolese people 294902163 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
17 Budja Q2927597 Congolese and Zimbabwean people 294924981
ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
18 Budu people Q2927589 Congolese people 294902708 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
19 Bunda people Q2928170 Congolese people 29490283X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
20 Bushi Q3482003 ethnic group in Democratic Republic of the Congo 294937234 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
21 Bwende people Q2929115 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of Congo 294903127 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
22 Ding Q3042214 African people 294907939 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
23 Ekonda people Q3049637 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of Congo 294909559 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
24 Hindo Q57033638 Congolese people 294915451 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
25 Holo people Q3139452 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 395979757 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
26 Humbu Q3143239 a people from the west of the Democratic Republic of Cong 294944818 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
27 Kanyok people Q3192768 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294919074 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
28 Kele people Q6385552 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic in the Congo 294922717 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
29 Komo people Q3198560 ethnic group in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294919864 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
30 Kongo people Q640090 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of Congo, also found in Angola and Republic of Congo 294919880 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
31 Konjo people Q804474 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and western Uganda 326471537 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
32 Kuba people Q358860 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294920323 ethnic group
Democratic Republic of the Congo
33 Kusu people Q3200662 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294920579 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
34 Lega people Q2088223 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294921745 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
35 Lele people Q3228970 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294921966 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
36 Lengola Q3229456 ethnic group in Democratic Republic of the Congo 294922008 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
37 Luba people Q805841 Central African ethnic group 294922881 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
38 Lulua peoples Q3267264 Congolese people 294922962 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
39 Mbole people Q3303544 ethnic group in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, south of Kisangani 294924817 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
40 Mongo Q927706 ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294926143 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
41 Moru people Q10589456 East African people 294926313 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Sudan
42 Moye (people) Q3346441 are a Bantu people of Central Africa established in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the territories of Bolobo and Yumbi 294929398 people
ethnic group
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
43 Ndibu Q61704105 Congolese people 294927840 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
44 Ngando people Q7021982 Ethnic group 294928197 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
45 Ngombe people Q2020080 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928367 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
46 Nkundu people Q3342369 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294928863 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
47 Ntandu Q61708845 Congolese people 294929215 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
48 Ntomba people Q3345976 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294929223 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
49 Nyanga people Q3346583 ethnic group in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo 294929606 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
50 Sakata people Q25051127 Bantu people of Mai-Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 294935916 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
51 Salampasu people Q3469610 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294935940 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
52 Solongo people Q3489587 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294938389 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
53 Songola Q3490366 Bantu people of Central Africa 294938524 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
54 Sundi people Q61719332 ethnic group in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) 294939555 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
55 Tabwa people Q1478692 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia 294923047
ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
56 Tetela people Q2351967 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294940758 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
57 Woyo people Q13140893 ethnic group in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 294944753 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
58 Yaka people Q2749225 ethnic group 294944893 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
59 Yanzi people Q66439303 ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of Congo 294944974 ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo
60 Zela Q3575122 a Bantu people of Central Africa, established mainly in the south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 29494544X ethnic group Democratic Republic of the Congo

Equatorial Guinea

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bubi people Q41477 ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea 29490266X ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
2 Fa d'Ambu Q55379913 Equatorial Guinean people 407959718 ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
3 Kombe people Q1154419 ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea 407959696 ethnic group Equatorial Guinea
4 Kwasio people Q6450249 Ethnic group 407959688 isolated human group
ethnic group
Equatorial Guinea
5 Lengue people Q6152328 Equatorial Guinean people 40795709X ethnic group Equatorial Guinea


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Amarar tribe Q4740190 Northeast African people 294898190 ethnic group Eritrea
2 Eritreans Q98083465 citizens or residents of Eritrea 294910298 inhabitant
human population
ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Agaw people Q56394 ethnic group inhabiting Ethiopia and Eritrea 294897151 ethnic group Ethiopia
2 Amhara people Q464237 Semitic-speaking ethnic group native to Ethiopia in the Ethiopian Highlands 294898255 ethnic group Ethiopia
3 Argobba people Q648031 an ethnic group of Ethiopia 294899073 ethnic group Ethiopia
4 Berta people Q827528 ethnic group 294901353 ethnic group Ethiopia
5 Daasanach people Q1171957 ethnic group 294906835 ethnic group Ethiopia
6 Dorze people Q1250880 ethnic group in Ethiopia 294908455 ethnic group Ethiopia
7 Gafat people Q54287144 ethnic group of Ethiopia 294913025 ethnic group Ethiopia
8 Gedeo people Q5529672 ethnic group in Southern Ethiopia 294913319 ethnic group Ethiopia
9 Gurage people Q844307 An ethnic group of Ethiopia 294914633 ethnic group Ethiopia
10 Hamer people Q1572644 ethnic group 294914994 ethnic group Ethiopia
11 Harari people Q356382 ethnic group 294915036 ethnic group Ethiopia
12 Kafficho people Q1721029 Etiopian people 294918752 ethnic group Ethiopia
13 Kereyu Oromo people Q39046029 East African people 29491921X ethnic group Ethiopia
14 Konso people Q965262 ethnic group in Ethiopia 294919961 ethnic group Ethiopia
15 Kwegu people Q1794937 People located in southwestern Ethiopia 29492079X ethnic group Ethiopia
16 Mekan people Q12352449 Ethiopian people 294925139 ethnic group Ethiopia
17 Nyangatom people Q1432890 Nilotic ethnic group in Ethiopia and less in South Sudan 294929622 ethnic group Ethiopia
South Sudan
18 Tigray people Q427036 ethnic group 294940928 ethnic group Ethiopia
19 Zay people Q3890363 Ethiopian people 375418040 ethnic group Ethiopia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Duma people Q724542 ethnic group of Gabon 294908684 ethnic group Gabon
2 Mpongwe people Q2087633 Bantu ethnic group of northwest Gabon 294926577 ethnic group Gabon
3 Myene people Q3331917 ethnic group in Gabon 294927034 ethnic group Gabon
4 Nkomi Q3342354 Gabonese people 294928820 ethnic group Gabon
5 Nzabi Q2882351 Congolese and Gabonese people 294929754 ethnic group Gabon
Republic of the Congo
6 Pygmy people Q171927 ethnic group whose average height is unusually short 294934014 ethnic group Gabon
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Tsogo people Q6882954 ethnic group in Gabon 294941851 ethnic group Gabon
8 Vili people Q3558407 ethnic group in Gabon, Republic of the Congo, and Democratic Republic of the Congo 294943374 ethnic group Gabon
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abe Q55096070 ethnic group 294896163 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
2 Aboure Q2821774 Ivoirian people 294896309 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
3 Adangme people Q1159639 ethnic group in Togo and Ghana 294896570 ethnic group Ghana
4 Ahanta people Q365283 ethnic people in Ghana 294897615 ethnic group Ghana
5 Akan people Q415693 ethnic group in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo 29489781X ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
United States of America
United Kingdom
6 Anyi people Q613920 ethnic group in Ivory Coast, Ghana and Togo 294898751
ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
7 Avatime people Q790271 ethnic group from Ghana 294899693 ethnic group Ghana
8 Bassari Q55767951 Ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294900845 ethnic group Ghana
9 Brong people Q927326 ethnic group in Ghana and Ivory Coast 294896252 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
10 Chakali Q1059280 ethnic group in Ghana 294903941 ethnic group Ghana
11 Cherepon Q1070219 ethnic group 294904050 ethnic group Ghana
12 Dagbamba Q592821 ethnic group in Ghana 294906916 ethnic group
13 Fante Q301533 ethnic group in coastal Ghana 294911219 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
14 Frafra people Q1440399 ethnic group 294911243 ethnic group Ghana
Burkina Faso
15 Gonja people Q1477754 ethnic group 294913882 ethnic group
historical country
16 Gurunsi people Q766258 ethnic group in Burkina Faso and Ghana 294914706 ethnic group Ghana
Burkina Faso
17 Konkomba people Q1678775 ethnic group in West Africa 294919937 ethnic group Ghana
18 Krobo Q3199886 ethnic group 294920269 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
19 Mamprusi people Q641337 ethnic group in Ghana 29492373X ethnic group Ghana
20 Nafana people Q641394 ethnic group in West Africa 294927085 ethnic group Ghana
Ivory Coast
21 Nanumba people Q1669494 Mole-Dagbon ethnic group in north east of Ghana 294927220 ethnic group Ghana


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Badyaranke people Q2878657 ethnic group in the Guinea Region of West Africa 294899855 ethnic group Guinea
2 Bulom Q2928107 Guinean and Sierra Leonan people 294902805 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
3 Kissi people Q1743773 ethnic group in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone 294919732 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
4 Kpelle people Q930128 ethnic group in Guinea and Liberia 294920196 ethnic group Guinea
5 Kuranko people Q924230 ethnic group in Guinea and Sierra Leone 294920498 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone
6 Loma people Q1859406 ethnic group in Liberia and Guinea; known as Loma in Liberia and as Toma in Guinea 294922733 ethnic group Guinea
7 Mandyak people Q1726724 ethnic group in Guinea, Gunea-Bissau and Senegal 29492390X ethnic group Guinea
8 Nalu Q3335397 African people 294927093 ethnic group Guinea
9 Susu people Q1479265 West African ethnic group 294939679 ethnic group Guinea
Sierra Leone


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Biafada people Q16209100 ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau 294901450 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau
2 Bijago people Q859832 ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau 294901566 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau
3 Mankanya people Q3285298 Ethnicity in Africa 294923942 ethnic group Guinea-Bissau

Ivory Coast

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abidji people Q4667609 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 31540731x isolated human group
ethnic group
Ivory Coast
2 Adyukru Q55317652 Ivoirian people 294896716 ethnic group Ivory Coast
3 Aizi people Q4699430 ethnic group from Ivory Coast 29489778X ethnic group Ivory Coast
4 Attie people Q417996 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294899480 ethnic group Ivory Coast
5 Bakwé Q2880363 Ethnic group 326975578 ethnic group Ivory Coast
6 Baoulé people Q811460 ethnic group in Côte d'Ivoire 294900608 ethnic group Ivory Coast
7 Beng Q2895794 Ivoirian people 294901205 ethnic group Ivory Coast
8 Bété people Q1019506 ethnic group in Ivory Coast, and a small number of Bete in Nigeria 29490137X ethnic group Ivory Coast
9 Dan people Q1804699 ethnic group in Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia 294907017 ethnic group Ivory Coast
10 Hausa people Q33938 ethnic group in West Africa 294915079 ethnic group Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
The Gambia
11 Krahn people Q265962 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294920234 ethnic group Ivory Coast
12 Kulango people Q631486 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294920374 ethnic group Ivory Coast
13 Nzema people Q1722812 ethnic group in southeastern Ivory Coast and Ghana 294929797 ethnic group Ivory Coast
14 Senufo people Q1266038 West African ethnic group 294936858 ethnic group
Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
15 Wobe people Q3569567 ethnic group in Ivory Coast 294944230 ethnic group Ivory Coast


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bafia people Q2878895 ethnic group in the Cameroon Grassfields 294899863 ethnic group Kamerun
2 Batanga Q787294 ethnic group 294940006 ethnic group Kamerun
3 Kpwe people Q1669293 Cameroonian people 294920862 ethnic group Kamerun
4 Mangisa Q25395416 Cameroonian people 294923926 ethnic group Kamerun
5 Mundang Q502426 ethnic group 294926720 ethnic group Kamerun
6 Ngemba Q25395089 people and ethnic group in Kamerun 294928286 people
ethnic group
7 Vute Q782179 ethnic group 294943501 ethnic group Kamerun
8 Wum Q3570164 Cameroonian people 294897224 ethnic group Kamerun


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ariaal people Q4790157 Kenyan people 29489909X ethnic group Kenya
2 Arusha people Q3271270 East African people 294899294 ethnic group Kenya
3 Bajuni people Q804212 ethnic group 294900039 ethnic group Kenya
4 Boni Q70588115 Kenyan and Somalian people 294902198 ethnic group Kenya
5 Bukusu tribe Q3892648 Kenyan people 294902767 ethnic group Kenya
6 Camus people Q1061544 ethnic group from Kenya 294928782 ethnic group Kenya
7 Dorobo peoples Q2846185 Ethnic group 294908447 ethnic group Kenya
8 Embu people Q2749449 Kenyan ethnic group 294909788 ethnic group Kenya
9 Kalenjin people Q56932 East African ethnic group 294918906 ethnic group Kenya
10 Kamba people Q1143929 ethnic group in Kenya 294918930 ethnic group Kenya
11 Kikuyu Q203178 ethnic group in Kenya 294919546 ethnic group Kenya
12 Maasai Q163022 ethnic group inhabiting Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda 294924361 people
ethnic group
13 Maragoli people Q6754637 Kenyan people 294899685 ethnic group Kenya
14 Marakwet people Q6754703 ethnic group in Kenya 294924094 ethnic group Kenya
15 Samburu people Q1261878 ethnic group 294936025 ethnic group Kenya
16 Swahili people Q721854 East African ethnic group 294939695 ethnic group Kenya
17 Turkana people Q1453190 ethnic group of Eastern Africa 294942114 ethnic group Kenya


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Gbandi Q2882312 ethnic group from Liberia 294900314 ethnic group Liberia
2 Grebo people Q1164772 ethnic group 29491420X ethnic group Liberia
Ivory Coast
3 Mende people Q1262400 ethnic group in Liberia and Sierra Leone 294925228 ethnic group Liberia
Sierra Leone
4 Sapo Q55143876 ethnic group from Liberia 29493622X ethnic group Liberia
5 Vai people Q2002234 West African ethnic group 294943137 ethnic group Liberia
Sierra Leone


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Anakara Q55768476 Malagasy people 294898301 ethnic group Madagascar
2 Antaisaka people Q2579734 ethnic group from Madagascar 294898573 ethnic group Madagascar
3 Antankarana Q2717794 ethnic group 29489859X ethnic group Madagascar
4 Antemoro people Q721579 Malagasy people 29493992X people
ethnic group
5 Bara people Q721750 ethnic group in Madagascar 294900640 ethnic group Madagascar
6 Betsileo people Q832229 ethnic group 29490140X ethnic group Madagascar
7 Karembola Q54254682 ethnic group from Madagascar 29491918X ethnic group Madagascar
8 Mahafaly people Q218808 ethnic group in Madagascar 294923373 ethnic group Madagascar
9 Malagasy people Q310983 ethnic group of Madagascar 294923519 ethnic group
human population
10 Merina people Q844538 ethnic group in central Madagascar 294925317 people
ethnic group
isolated human group
11 Sakalava people Q1355221 ethnic group of Madagascar 294935894 ethnic group Madagascar
12 Tanala Q721523 people 294939989 people
ethnic group
13 Vazimba Q3123073 ethnic group from Madagascar 294943218 ethnic group Madagascar
14 Vezo people Q1091289 ethnic group in Madagascar 294943315 ethnic group Madagascar
15 Zafimaniry Q290286 people 294945296 people
ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Chewa people Q1071390 ethnic group 294904069 ethnic group Malawi
2 Lomwe people Q1868817 ethnic group in Malawi and Mozambique 294922776 ethnic group Malawi
3 Ngonde people Q56300464 ethnic group in Malawi and Tanzania 294928383 ethnic group Malawi
4 Ngoni people Q17109664 ethnic group living in the present-day in of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, tracing their origins to the Nguni and Zulu people of KwaZulu-Natal 294928413 ethnic group Malawi
5 Nyakyusa people Q3140817 ethnic and linguistic group in in the mountains of southern Tanzania and northern Malawi 294929533 ethnic group Malawi
6 Yao people Q1255780 ethnic group in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania 294944990 ethnic group Malawi


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bambara Q504685 ethnic group in Mali, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal 294900160 ethnic group Mali
2 Dogon people Q215583 ethnic group indigenous to Mali 294908331 ethnic group Mali
Burkina Faso


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ait Atta Q2364324 ethnic group 294897720 isolated human group
ethnic group
2 Berber Q45315 ethnic group indigenous to North Africa 294901310 ethnic group Morocco
Burkina Faso
3 Glaoua Q3108519 Moroccan people 294913742 ethnic group Morocco
4 Jebala Q610512 ethnic group 294918302 ethnic group


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Makua people Q1261884 ethnic group in Mozambique 294923497 ethnic group Mozambique
2 Ndau people Q760787 ethnic group in Mozambique and Zimbabwe 294927808 ethnic group Mozambique
3 Zigula people Q202778 ethnic group in Mozambique and Tanzania 294945482 ethnic group Mozambique


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Kavango people Q648707 Bantu ethnic group of Namibia 294919279 ethnic group Namibia
2 Khoikhoi Q219252 ethnic group 29491949X ethnic group Namibia
South Africa
German South-West Africa
3 Mafwe Q85783102 ethnic group in Namibia 294912932 ethnic group Namibia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bozo people Q896172 ethnic group in Mali and Niger 294902457 ethnic group Niger
2 Isawaghen Q3515919 ethnic group in Niger 294917950 ethnic group Niger
3 Kalabari tribe Q1721908 ethnic group in Niger / Ghana, part of Ijaw people 294918868 ethnic group Niger
4 Kurtey people Q6447182 ethnic group in Niger 29492051X ethnic group Niger
5 Tuareg Q58843 Berber people of the Sahara desert with a nomadic pastoralist lifestyle 294941924 ethnic group Niger
Burkina Faso
6 Wogo Q3569581 ethnic group in Niger 294944257 ethnic group Niger
7 Zarma people Q148004 ethnic group of westernmost Niger, Nigeria, Benin and nearby countries 294945423 ethnic group Niger
Burkina Faso


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Abam Q54370841 Ethnic group in Nigeria 294896147 ethnic group
human settlement
2 Afizere Q4690858 Nigerian people 294897143 ethnic group Nigeria
3 Agbiri Q54370513 ethnic group in Nigeria 29491465X ethnic group Nigeria
4 Akurumi Q58036826 Nigerian people 294897860 ethnic group Nigeria
5 Anaguta Q54166061 ethnic group 294898298 ethnic group Nigeria
6 Anang people Q2845328 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 29489831X ethnic group Nigeria
7 Bareshe Q58036882 Nigerian people 294900691 ethnic group Nigeria
8 Bargu people Q808185 ethnic group in Benin and Nigeria 294900713 ethnic group Nigeria
9 Bassa Q58037263 Nigerian people 294900837 ethnic group Nigeria
10 Berom people Q4894645 ethnic group in Plateau State, Nigeria 294901728 ethnic group Nigeria
11 Bete-Bendi Q58037365 Nigerian people 371311160 ethnic group Nigeria
12 Biase Q58037411 Nigerian people 294901485 ethnic group Nigeria
13 Bwatiye Q58207473 Nigerian people 294903119 ethnic group Nigeria
14 Chibok Q58207510 Nigerian people 343091437 ethnic group Nigeria
15 Dukawa Q56682878 Nigerian people 294908676 ethnic group Nigeria
16 Duyah Q58207565 Nigerian people 294908730 ethnic group Nigeria
17 Ebira people Q403092 ethnic group in Nigeria 294916253 ethnic group Nigeria
18 Edo people Q1287326 ethnic group in south western Nigeria 294909214 ethnic group Nigeria
19 Efik people Q288809 A Nigerian ethnic group found in present-day Cross River state and Akwa Ibom state. 294909400 ethnic group Nigeria
20 Eggon Q58238318 Nigerian people 294909443 ethnic group Nigeria
21 Ejagham people Q74333 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294909532 ethnic group Nigeria
22 Ekpeye people Q5350558 Nigerian people 294909567 ethnic group Nigeria
23 Eloyi people Q401964 ethnic group 294909753 ethnic group Nigeria
24 Emai people Q5368795 Nigerian people 294909761 ethnic group Nigeria
25 Esan people Q3732778 ethnic group in Nigeria 294910328 ethnic group Nigeria
26 Etsako people Q4533136 Ethnic group in Edo State, Nigeria 294910662 ethnic group Nigeria
27 Etulo Q58361967 Nigerian people 294910689 ethnic group Nigeria
28 Ezon Q58363038 Nigerian people 294911049 ethnic group Nigeria
29 Gaanda Q58380263 Nigerian people 294912975 ethnic group Nigeria
30 Ganawuri Q58432000 Nigerian people 294913157 ethnic group Nigeria
31 Gbagyi people Q2568762 ethnic group in central Nigeria 294914811 ethnic group Nigeria
32 Goemai people Q3109826 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294913815 ethnic group Nigeria
33 Gude Q58432361 Nigerian and Tanzanian people 294914412 ethnic group Nigeria
34 Gun people Q22132744 ethnic group in Benin and Western Nigeria 338579060 ethnic group Nigeria
35 Guruntum Q58433752 Nigerian people 294914722 ethnic group Nigeria
36 Gwandara Q54406816 ethnic group in Nigeria 294914781 ethnic group Nigeria
37 Hdi Q58436501 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294915141 ethnic group Nigeria
38 Ibibio people Q239577 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294916083 ethnic group Nigeria
39 Idoma people Q403034 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294916172 ethnic group Nigeria
40 Igala people Q887672 ethnic group in Nigeria 294916229 ethnic group Nigeria
41 Igbo people Q244157 ethnic group of southeastern Nigeria 294916261 ethnic group Nigeria
42 Igede Q48769247 Nigerian ethnic group 294916288 ethnic group Nigeria
43 Ijaw people Q528981 ethnic group 294916326 ethnic group
44 Ikwerre people Q17109068 Iwhuruọha people 294916393 ethnic group Nigeria
45 Irigwe Q55674907 Nigerian people 294917861 ethnic group Nigeria
46 Isoko people Q3155516 Ethnic group in the Niger River Delta region of Nigeria 294918086 ethnic group Nigeria
47 Itsekiri people Q2477983 Nigerian people 294917969 ethnic group Nigeria
48 Jukun people Q2664002 ethnic group in the Benue River region in central Nigeria 294918582 ethnic group Nigeria
49 Kaje Q55678840 Nigerian people 294918809 ethnic group Nigeria
50 Kakanda Q58925904 Nigerian people 294918825 ethnic group Nigeria
51 Kambari Q3192344 African people 294899677 ethnic group Nigeria
52 Kanakuru Q58926163 Nigerian people 294918981 ethnic group Nigeria
53 Kanuri people Q572665 ethnic group 294919058 ethnic group Nigeria
54 Karang Q58926434 Nigerian people 294919155 ethnic group Nigeria
55 Kilba people Q17109110 Nigerian people 294915842 ethnic group Nigeria
56 Kirike Q55694455 Nigerian people 294919716 ethnic group Nigeria
57 Koro people Q59184971 ethnic group in Nigeria 294920102 ethnic group Nigeria
58 Kotoko people Q3199185 ethnic group in Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria 294920153 ethnic group Nigeria
59 Kulere Q3200316 Nigerian people 294920404 ethnic group Nigeria
60 Longuda people Q3259156 West African ethnic group living in Adamawa and Gombe States in northeastern Nigeria 294922814 ethnic group Nigeria
61 Mambila people Q2275739 ethnic group in Cameroon and Nigeria 294923691 ethnic group Nigeria
62 Mbembe people Q15407287 ethnic group in the Cameroon 294924787 ethnic group Nigeria
63 Mbula Q59287226 Nigerian people 294924892 ethnic group Nigeria
64 Mumuye people Q2662560 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294926704 ethnic group Nigeria
65 Mupun Q3331097 Nigerian people 294926755 ethnic group Nigeria
66 Ngwoi Q59307209 Nigerian people 303978422 ethnic group Nigeria
67 Ningi Q59307523 Nigerian people 294928723 ethnic group Nigeria
68 Nkim Q59651645 Nigerian people 294928804 ethnic group Nigeria
69 Nupe people Q1482397 ethnic group in Nigeria 294929401 ethnic group Nigeria
70 Obolo people Q7075271 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 29492986X ethnic group Nigeria
71 Ogba people Q7079866 Nigerian people 294930116 ethnic group Nigeria
72 Ogoni people Q1478209 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294930132 ethnic group Nigeria
73 Ogori Q59652901 Nigerian people 294930140 ethnic group Nigeria
74 Peer Q59655306 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294931511 ethnic group Nigeria
75 Piti Q59655586 Nigerian people 294932054 ethnic group Nigeria
76 Pyam Q59655693 Nigerian people 294934006 ethnic group Nigeria
77 Ron Q59655776 Nigerian people 294935282 ethnic group Nigeria
78 Rukuba Q3453126 Nigerian people 294935436 ethnic group Nigeria
79 Shabe Q59655873 Beninese and Nigerian people 294937080 ethnic group Nigeria
80 Sukur Q59733616 Nigerian people 294939539 ethnic group Nigeria
81 Tangale Q55664307 Nigerian people 294940014 ethnic group Nigeria
82 Tarok people Q7686522 ethnic group of Nigeria 294940138 human settlement
agrarian society
ethnic group
83 Tera Q59734123 Nigeria ethnic group 294940642 ethnic group Nigeria
84 Tiv people Q1235705 ethnic group in Nigeria and a few more in Cameroon 29494107X ethnic group Nigeria
85 Unemhe Q59734692 Nigerian people 294942467 ethnic group Nigeria
86 Ura Q59734839 Nigerian people 294942858 ethnic group Nigeria
87 Urhobo people Q2993629 Ethnic group in southern Nigeria 294943080 ethnic group Nigeria
88 Waja Q55663056 Nigerian people 294943617 ethnic group Nigeria
89 Wawa Q59771378 Cameroonian and Nigerian people 294943846 ethnic group Nigeria
90 Yako people Q8047240 ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria 294944923 ethnic group Nigeria
91 Yala Q59771388 Nigerian people 294944931 ethnic group Nigeria
92 Yungur people Q3573236 ethnic group in northeastern Nigeria 294945288 ethnic group Nigeria

Republic of the Congo

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Kete Q3195599 Congolese people 294919414 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
2 Kota people Q4358034 Congolese and Gabonese people 294920137 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
3 Kukwa Q63475519 Congolese people 294920358 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
4 Lobala Q18628787 Congolese people 29492258X ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
5 Lumbo people Q2881680 ethnic group in the Republic of the Cong and Gabon 32187207X ethnic group Republic of the Congo
6 Mangbetu people Q1602764 ethnic group in northeastern The Democratic Republic of the Congo 294923918 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Mbete Q3303515 Congolese and Gabonese people 356243575 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
8 Mbosi people Q1650456 ethnic group in the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) 294924841 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
9 Monzombo Q3320996 Congolese people 294926194 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
10 Punu people Q2576790 Congolese and Gabonese people 323935087 ethnic group Republic of the Congo
11 Teke people Q811078 Bantu ethnic group in Central Africa 294940391 ethnic group Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Banyarwanda Q438374 Bantu ethnolinguistic supraethnicity 294900578 ethnic group Rwanda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Tutsi Q193092 ethnic group inhabiting the African Great Lakes region 294942157 ethnic group Rwanda
Democratic Republic of the Congo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bainuk people Q803905 ethnic group 294900012 ethnic group Senegal
2 Bassari people Q810476 African people living in Senegal, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau 294900853 people
ethnic group
3 Bayot Q15407308 African people 294900969 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia
4 Diola people Q1226906 ethnic group 294907963 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia
5 Felups Q3074423 ethnic group 29491143X ethnic group Senegal
6 Lebou people Q3270067 ethnic group in western Senegal 294921737 ethnic group Senegal
7 Tenda Q3517970 African people 294940588 ethnic group Senegal
8 Toucouleur people Q864920 West African ethnic group 294941304 ethnic group Senegal
9 Wolof people Q217397 West African ethnic group, largest in Senegal 294944273 ethnic group Senegal
The Gambia

Sierra Leone

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Kono people Q3198706 major ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294919953 ethnic group Sierra Leone
2 Sherbro people Q1004543 ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294937226 ethnic group Sierra Leone
3 Temne people Q748316 ethnic group in Sierra Leone 294940561 ethnic group Sierra Leone


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Rahanweyn Q2005663 Somali clan family 294934138 ethnic group Somalia
2 Somali Bantu Q1651019 Ethnic group(s) in Somalia 294913947 ethnic group Somalia
3 Somalis Q241696 ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa 294938443
ethnic group Somalia
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia

South Africa

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bakoena Q804468 Ethic group in Southern Africa 294920811 ethnic group South Africa
2 Ghoya Q60617561 South African people 301277907 ethnic group South Africa
3 Lovedu people Q3633488 ethnic group in Namibia and South Africa 294922598 ethnic group South Africa
4 Swazi people Q939691 ethnic group of Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe 294939733 ethnic group
human population
South Africa
5 Thembu tribe Q1779499 Xhosa speaking people based in South Africa 294940553 ethnic group South Africa
6 Venda people Q1785209 ethnic group in South Africa and Zimbabwe 294943242 ethnic group South Africa
7 Zulu Q129962 ethnic group in South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 294945636 ethnic group South Africa

South Sudan

image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Acholi people Q340581 ethnic group 294896473 ethnic group South Sudan
2 Anuak people Q612213 ethnic group 294898735 ethnic group South Sudan
3 Atuot people Q4818813 South Sudanese people 294899502 ethnic group South Sudan
4 Bongo people Q588779 ethnic group in South Sudan 29490218X ethnic group South Sudan
5 Boya people Q167624 ethnic group in Sudan 294927255 ethnic group South Sudan
6 Dinka people Q212106 Nilotic ethnic group native to South Sudan 294907947 ethnic group South Sudan
7 Kara people Q6367571 ethnic group (designates the Gbaya/Kara who inhabit South Sudan and the Central African Republic and who speak a Central Sudanic language) 294913289 ethnic group South Sudan
Central African Republic
8 Moro Nuba people Q6913070 subgroup of the Nuba people in southern Sudan 294926240 ethnic group South Sudan
9 Oromo people Q318674 ethnic group in Ethiopia, with several subcategories 294930566 ethnic group South Sudan
10 Shilluk people Q1134682 ethnic group in South Sudan 294937277 ethnic group South Sudan
11 Suri Q99543255 Ethiopian and South Sudanese people 29493961X ethnic group South Sudan


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bedairiya Q70555258 Sudanese people 294901019 ethnic group Sudan
2 Berti Q828169 african ethnic group in western Sudan 294901361 ethnic group Sudan
3 Fulbe people Q202575 ethnic group in Sahel and West Africa 294912800 people
ethnic group
South Sudan
Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Sierra Leone
Central African Republic
Ivory Coast
4 Fur people Q1124032 ethnic group 29491286X ethnic group Sudan
5 Kawahla people Q6379518 arab tribe in Sudan 294919287 ethnic group Sudan
6 Lahawin people Q6473173 Sudanese people 363920951 ethnic group Sudan
7 Shaigiya people Q7462404 Sudanese people 294937102 ethnic group Sudan


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Barabaig people Q623122 ethnic group 294900659 ethnic group Tanzania
2 Bena people Q1115893 Tanzanian people 294901183 ethnic group Tanzania
3 Burunge people Q4969065 Tanzanian people 294902988 ethnic group Tanzania
4 Chaga people Q920233 ethnic group in Kenya and Tanzania 294903917 ethnic group Tanzania
5 Gogo people Q2575602 ethnic group from Tanzania 294913823 ethnic group
6 Haya people Q1824726 people of Tanzania 294915117 ethnic group Tanzania
7 Iraqw people Q1554146 ethnic group in Tanzania 294917837 ethnic group Tanzania
8 Isanzu people Q3892234 Tanzanian people 294916296 ethnic group Tanzania
9 Kaguru people Q2979621 ethnic group in Tanzania 294918795 ethnic group Tanzania
10 Kimbu people Q3081990 Tanzanian people 294919627 ethnic group Tanzania
11 Kutu people Q6448637 Tanzanian people 294920595 ethnic group Tanzania
12 Luguru people Q2625797 ethnic group in Tanzania 294922946 ethnic group Tanzania
13 Mambwe people Q1480261 ethnic group in Tanzania and Zambia 294923705 ethnic group Tanzania
14 Matengo people Q3082011 ethnic group in Tanzania 294924485 ethnic group Tanzania
15 Mwera people Q3624332 ethnic group in Tanzania 29492700X ethnic group Tanzania
16 Ngulu people Q7022680 ethnic people in Tanzania 294928472 ethnic group Tanzania
17 Nyamwezi people Q1262850 ethnic group in Tanzania 294929541 ethnic group Tanzania
18 Nyiha people Q7071112 ethnic group from Mbeya Region of Tanzania 29492969X ethnic group Tanzania
19 Pare people Q612976 ethnic group in northeastern Tanzania 29493099X ethnic group Tanzania
20 Rangi people Q3140807 ethnic and linguistic group in Tanzania 294934200 ethnic group Tanzania
21 Sandawe people Q1292246 ethnic group 294936106 ethnic group Tanzania
22 Shambala people Q283465 ethnic group in Kenya and Tanzania 294937110 ethnic group Tanzania
23 Sukuma people Q1474755 ethnic group in Tanzania 294939520 ethnic group Tanzania
24 Tongwe people Q3847568 ethnic group in Tanzania 294941207 ethnic group Tanzania
25 Vidunda people Q3892183 Tanzanian people 29494334X ethnic group Tanzania
26 Zanaki people Q3813834 Tanzanian people 294945342 ethnic group Tanzania
27 Zaramo people Q147725 ethnic group on coastal Tanzania 294945407 ethnic group Tanzania
28 Zinza people Q3110223 Tanzanian people 294945539 ethnic group Tanzania


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Ada Q55342471 Ethnic group in Ghana and Togo 294896538 ethnic group Togo
2 Akebu people Q417101 ethnic group from Togo 402505697 ethnic group Togo
3 Kabye people Q8102636 Togolese people 29491868X ethnic group Togo
4 Kposo people Q420651 ethnic group 294920226 ethnic group Togo
5 Losso people Q1972445 West African ethnic group 294927743 ethnic group Togo


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Adhola people Q4057928 ethnic group of Uganda 294918477 ethnic group Uganda
2 Alur people Q202353 ethnic group in Uganda and the DRC 294898166 ethnic group Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 Gisu people Q799929 ethnic group 294913718 ethnic group
4 Iru Q55675016 Ugandan people 294917934 ethnic group Uganda
5 Jie Q6192180 ethnic group of Uganda 29491837X ethnic group Uganda
6 Kakwa people Q153557 ethnic group found in Uganda, South Sudan and Democratic Rep of the Congo 29491885X ethnic group Uganda
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 Karamojong people Q185549 ethnic group in Kenya and Uganda 294919139 ethnic group Uganda
8 Nyoro people Q3346711 ethnic group 294929738 ethnic group Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 Teso people Q1281344 ethnic group 294940723 ethnic group
Western Kenya


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bemba people Q644450 ethnic group in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Zambia; Bemba kingdom 294901116 ethnic group Zambia
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 Bisa Q56301004 Zambian people 294901787 ethnic group Zambia
3 Ila people Q25039574 ethnic group in Zambia 294916407 ethnic group Zambia


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Bhebhe Q70586664 Zimbabwean people 338349189 ethnic group Zimbabwe
2 Lemba people Q167577 ethnic group in Zimbabwe and South Africa 294921982 ethnic group Zimbabwe
3 Nambya people Q6961435 ethnic group in northwestern Zimbabwe and northeastern Botswana 294927123 ethnic group Zimbabwe
4 Northern Ndebele people Q1211360 ethnic group in southern Africa 297866265 ethnic group Zimbabwe
5 Shona people Q642613 Bantu ethnic group native to southern Africa 294937331 ethnic group Zimbabwe
South Africa


image number Article item description ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID instance of country
1 Afar people Q211720 ethnic group 294896759 ethnic group Djibouti
2 African Americans Q49085 Americans with sub-Saharan African ancestry 294896813 ethnic group by residency
ethnic community
ethnic group
United States of America
3 Armenians Q79797 ethnic group native to the Armenian Highlands 407682368 ethnic group
human population
4 Hutu Q192647 ethnic group native to the Great Lakes region of Africa 294916008 ethnic group Burundi
5 Maltese people Q1286876 citizens or residents of Malta 294923675 ethnic group
human population
6 Nama people Q694525 ethnic group 294927107 ethnic group German South-West Africa
South Africa
7 Palestinians Q201190 Ethnic group native to the Palestine region in Southwest Asia 294930825 ethnic group
human population
ethnonational group
State of Palestine
8 Poles Q1026 West Slavic ethnic group 294932321 ethnic group
9 Russians Q49542 East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia 294935665 ethnic group
national demonym
United States of America
10 Telugu people Q418708 ethnic group 294940480 ethnic group India
United States of America
11 Turks Q84072 Turkic ethnic group 294942149 human population
ethnic group
United States of America
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
Northern Cyprus
12 Zuwayya Q3625991 Tribe in Libya 294945679 ethnic group Libya

∑ 821 items.

End of auto-generated list.