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World Bank
FormationJuly 1945; 79 years ago (1945-07)
TypeInternational Financial Organization
Legal statusTreaty
189 countries (IBRD)[1]
173 countries (IDA)[1]

The Bank Information Center (BIC) influences the World Bank and other international financial institutions (IFIs) to accelerate ecological sustainability and social & economic justice by cooperating with developing and transition countries' civil society.[2] The BIC is an organization which has the characteristic of isolated, non-governmental, non-profit this organization advocates for the rights production, involvement, transparency, and responsibility of public in the administration and operations of the World Bank Group & regional development banks.[3] In 1987, BIC was established with the support of private organizations and foundations that specialized on development and environment. Notice that BIC is not receiving any funding or support from any of the Multilateral Development Banks, it also not belong to any of them.[2]The activities of multilateral development banks are usually implement without the informed participation of affected people, non-governmental organizations and, in many cases, even the legislatures of the World Bank borrowing countries. The multilateral development banks which are publicly funded institutions and they are responsible for providing more than $35 billion in loans to developing countries each year.[2]

International Financial Institutions (IFIs) & World Bank[edit]

International Financial Institutions (lFIs), including the World Bank Group, other regional and multilateral development banks, and national development banks with international objectives, are decisive development partners to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The international financial system are several organizations whose primary aim is to assist international payments mechanism. These entities are difficult to be distinguished in categories due to their various natures but they do have some common traits. In a sense of structural, their common denominator is a multinational character that spans national boundaries.[4] The International financial institutions have contributed more than $1 billion to UNDP programs from 2010 and about of 60 percent from government.[5]

The World Bank Group can not be describe in a sense of traditional bank. Legally, the World Bank is an agency that specially work for the United Nations, with its unique Articles of Agreement and self-administrating structure. This structure supervises a collection of programs and funds. The two most important programs for this particular structure's purposes are the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).[6] Bretton Woods Conference set up the World Bank in 1944. European countries can be rebuild with its loans after the Second World War.[7] The power station and railway were set up through borrowed money from Chile, Mexico and India in 1970. Its loans assist to solve many different kind of  problems such as family planning, pollution and environmental protection.[7]

Bank information center progress area[edit]

The function of bank information center (BIC) as well as introducing the details of what kinds of services are provided to the public to improve social & economic justice and ecological sustainability.[8] In order to make developing countries' citizens have rights to take part in making essential developing decision, NGOs and others with information on the policies and projects of the MDBs were basically provided by BIC. The BIC also provides strategic support to groups participated in supervising and fighting Bank financially supported projects. This may include suggestion on valid Bank advocacy plans. BIC offers the following these services[2]:

①BIC publications, including Citizens Guides to the Bank, Activist Tool Kits, Reports on Policy Implementation and Issue Briefs (see separate list of BIC publications).

NGOs in developing countries have a priority on receiving response to information requests for Bank projects or files and policy related information.  

③Project supervision: BIC supervises and seeks to influence socially and environmentally destructive projects with the request of and in cooperation with southern NGOs.

④Problem Project Alerts: A specific summary of social & environmental issues of coming Bank projects.

⑤Program to Democratize Development: In order to promote greater diaphaneity, accountability, and engagement in MDB-financed development operations, BIC cooperates with international network activists, advocating for more effective social and environmental policies, better implement of existing information, policies of environmental & gender and better accountability systems. Job specialized in the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and he International Finance Corporation."

The impact of Bank information center[edit]

It is beneficial as it gives an example of rural Mexico to explain how World Bank influences the environment for social capital structure. This is influenced by World Bank loans. They probably have both positive and negative effects,so we need different perspectives to analyze. In many cases, the Bank seems to make more contribution on taking apart of social capital than on its construction.[9] The civic space of their countries are limited by an increasing number of World Bank borrowing governments. It will cause participation in World Bank projects difficult, dangerous or impossible for civil society groups and affected communities. This also had an impact on the access of national civil society with limited space, making the work on development finance a double challenge. These risks increase as the World Bank places more emphasis on fragile and conflict-affected countries (FCS).[10]

Gender considerations and social impacts and sustainability issues were be considered by CESI in 1997 due to extend the areas of its project. The WID Unit plays an important role on the technology such as health, legal reform, income and productivity and so on.[2] Children's and women's rights organizations with health sector experience can participate in public consultations to encourage the inclusion of methods or programs that better serve children and women in the sector. In addition, they can identify population that may be always or at risk be eliminated from health programs, for example a family which a minor (child or adolescent) has become the head of the household. An important opportunity can be given to the participation of civil society in this phase of the developing process, not only to figure out developing priorities and challenge, but also to avoid non-positive outcomes when certain stakeholders or communities are being ignored.[11]

The World Bank Organization have a long‐term partnership and guide for different regions to modulate to the information economy. At the level of both national and sectoral levels, it can collaborate with them on policy of information, strategy, and the plan of project. For this purpose, including its own, strategic alliances will be developed to adjust worldwide financing and knowledge. The economic and social changes are effected by revolutionary advances in information technology. The information economy, which is a new kind of economy, is coming out from where investment and trade are worldwide and companies contest for networking, knowledge & flexibility on a global context. With regards to revolutionary information technology advanced, it provides the fact that a homologous society is also coming out with universal information capabilities that make it very different from a traditional industrial society, it becomes more democratic, more competitive, less monopolistic, less peaceful, better able to satisfy personal needs, and more friendly to the environment.

The revolution of information makes both the challenge and the solutions of doing business in new ways for countries to put the basic needed facilities of telecommunications and information systems in place.[12] The World Bank Group will achieve four aims by using the information technology. Firstly,Information technology is new and useful to solve the most serious problems in this economy such as education, health, poverty alleviation, rural development and environmental protection. Secondly, by incorporating an effective information component, the impact of the World Bank Group's entire business scope is increased. Thirdly, the run and competition of economy can be improved by this technology. Finally, this is a bridge between the nation and other countries as well as broad and equitable gain the communications and information services.[12]

Recommendations of Bank information center to promote gender equity in bank lending[2][edit]

There are some details of recommendation.

①Consider women's groups in departmental innovate loans and reinforce the WID unit's emphasis on impacts of gender differences, benefits of departmental innovate & state programs on modernization and adjust them accordingly.

②Make sure that the women's groups are participating in the design of Bank financed projects by improving current consultation processes.

③Add gender considerations into the content of country programming process. The Women's Affairs Ministry and a representative from the Bank's WID office should be included in the dialogue with governments about the Country Paper, as well as women organizations' representatives.

④In order to make sure that input from the Bank's WID unit early on in the project, procedures should be improved.

⑤ Establish clear invigorative and accountability systems to middle operational and management staffs for addressing gender differential impacts in each process of project operations and Bank programming, focusing on integrating gender at the very beginning  stages of the whole project.

⑥The number of gender specialists served in Regional Operational Departments should be increased. Besides, gender specialists should be included more regularly as a member of project teams in non-social department lending.

⑦ Gender dis-aggregated data collection/analysis and staff gender training should be improved.

Criticism of Bank information center[edit]

The Bank information center has emphasized the relevance of equal rights as an independent aim of development, according to the World Development Report 2012. [13]This document was written in details and with many facts to show the progress made as well as the obstacles remaining along the process of getting a greater gender equality of opportunities and rights. At the same time, it also means the first step of rethinking - from "equal rights for women as economically efficient" to "reinforcing gender equality as a step of social and governmental change". This development is in sharp contrast to the world bank's previous practices. Because of the unsatisfactory results, the Bank has been criticized in both its gender policies and practices in general as well as in flagship projects. For example, the Doing Business Project, this project aim is to make growth in the developing countries by promoting development in the private department, is criticized for neglecting essential gender-specific obstacles against business start-ups. The problem thus leads to what extend the real programs of funding and credit payment policies can be influenced by the research sectors of the World Bank Group. To this extent, the conceptual orientation of the World Development Report is to be welcomed in any case. It remains to be seen to what extent the WDR 2012, the conceptual momentum in the operational business activities of the World Bank will be gathered as well and thus make a turning point in both its gender differential policies and its practical work. These following points should be included in such turning point: – The equal rights between the genders should be taken more into consideration with respect to both strategic and structural aspects. With regard to this, particularly promote the political participation of extremely poor women, and the differences in funding actions should be narrowed down for achieving the MDG 3. – Start the Country Gender Assessments with the participation of the civil society in the partner countries. [13]

Bank Information Center Europe[14][edit]

BIC Europe was organized to show the important role of European civil society and governments in the international financial institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

Eight members of the World Bank's Board of Directors are from Europe, they take over 30% share of the vote. Traditionally, European EDs have made progress on issues such as human rights, change of climates and financial diaphaneity. In recent years, the European voice has been decreased a lot and there is a need to revitalize Europe's role on issues of both environmental and social justice.[15]

BIC Europe also plays an important role in controlling the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to account. The US and Japan which were the traditional dominant shareholders of the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, are not members of the AIIB; whereas, European country’s members such as Germany, the UK and France are all have seats in top ten shareholders, and the European constituencies have two places in the 12 Board of directors' seats. Germany leads the Eurozone constituency and the UK leads the wider Europe constituency at the AIIB. Totally, European shareholders control over 20% of shares in the AIIB.

BIC Europe protects development finance and does not harm people and the natural resources they depend upon for their sustenance to promote social and ecological justice.

Notice that BIC Europe is a non-profit, non-governmental and independent organization that holds International Financial Institutions to account, advocating for:

Rights protection

Participation and financial diaphaneity.

Public responsibility in the operations of multilateral development banks.

We organize our work around two themes[14]:

Rights and Responsibilities: We support communities to respect their rights and listen to their opinions so that they can benefit from it rather than develop costs.[14]

Ecological justice: The climate crisis requires urgent action by international financial institutions: stop funding fossil fuels, promote renewable energy, and prevent forest damage. But this must happen in a way that supports and does not undermine the livelihoods of local communities.[14]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b /en/about/leadership/members "Boards of Executive Directors – Member Countries"]. Retrieved on 5 June 2016.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "BANK INFORMATION CENTER". login.ezproxy1.library.usyd.edu.au. 1999 Women's International Network. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
  3. ^ "Bank Information Center (BIC) | Devex". www.devex.com. COPYRIGHT 1999 Women's International Network. 1999. p. 56. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
  4. ^ Geisst, Charles R. (1993), "International Financial Institutions", A Guide to Financial Institutions, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 6–24, doi:10.1057/9780230379077_2, ISBN 9780333586754, retrieved 2019-05-12
  5. ^ "International Financial Institutions". UNDP. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
  6. ^ Hammer, Peter J. (2011). "Reforming Paradoxes of Socio-Economic Development: Modeling Change and Continuity at the World Bank". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1874671. ISSN 1556-5068. S2CID 152865681.
  7. ^ a b Amadeo, Kimberly. "Some Say This Bank Secretly Controls the World". The Balance. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
  8. ^ "Bank Information Center (BIC)". Global Campaign For Education United States Chapter. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
  9. ^ Fox, Jonathan (1997). <963::aid-jid499>3.0.co;2-d "POLICY ARENA: The World Bank and social capital: contesting the concept in practice". Journal of International Development. 9 (7): 963–971. doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1328(199711)9:7<963::aid-jid499>3.0.co;2-d. ISSN 0954-1748.
  10. ^ "Civil Society at the Work Bank: Investing in Disability Inclusive Early Childhood Education". Global Campaign For Education United States Chapter. Retrieved 2019-05-31.
  11. ^ Young, Mary Eming (1995). Investing in Young Children. World Bank Discussion Papers No. 275. The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N. ISBN 9780821331712.
  12. ^ a b Talero, Eduardo; Gaudette, Philip (1995-12-01). "Harnessing information for development: A proposal for a world bank group vision and strategy". Information Technology for Development. 6 (3–4): 145–188. doi:10.1080/02681102.1995.9525267. ISSN 0268-1102.
  13. ^ a b "A critique of the World Bank's 2012 gender report". Bank Information Center. Retrieved 2019-05-31.
  14. ^ a b c d "Bank Information Center Europe - BIC". Bank Information Center Europe. Retrieved 2019-05-31.
  15. ^ "Bank Information Center Europe". Bank Information Center Europe. Retrieved 2019-06-06.