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hey everyone, i'm quite a bit busier then usual. i won't be on as much, and it might take me a bit longer to reply. everything should cool off in a bit, but for now i'm pretty stacked up with stuff. peace out

WikiProject Paintball
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WikiProject Paintball News edit
  • The term "paintball gun" is no longer to be used in any article: please change this wherever you see it! We must use the term paintball marker at all times from here on out. Keep up the good work. RavenStorm, Lead Coordinator
  • It has been strongly suggested by fellow member Three ways round that we add references and sources to our articles and make this our priority for now, as expansion and addition of articles has been slow of late. Go find an unsourced article and get some good references! Together we can make the WikiProject Paintball more authentic and encyclopedic. RavenStorm, Lead Coordinator
Category News edit
  • The player positions pages have been renamed according to game type to be more accurate.
  • Two more subcategories have been created: Woodsball, and Speedball. If any new pages are created that are related to these, please use their respective category tags instead of [[Category:Paintball]]. Thanks!
Priority Tasks edit
1. Find sources for all articles to remove original research issues. Resist the urge to simply enter new information based on your own playing experience (this applies especially to strategy and role based articles).
2. Pages about paintball markers, unless very notable and well sourced, should be either merged back into the main company's page - or a page detailing the company's series of products. Having a single page for each marker model is too unwieldly and yields a lot of stubs.
3. Top priority articles should reach at least C class.

Hello Three Ways Round! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your messages; I've been very busy of late in my personal life, and unfortunately that has caused me to be absent from Wikipedia for quite a while.

As to whether you should join the project, I say go ahead! The more active or even semi-active members we have in the project, the more we'll get done and the more the encyclopedia will profit. Of course, it helps if you're actually interested in paintball.... :D So yeah, go right ahead.

And on a more personal note, I would just like to thank you for your most encouraging comments. That kind of thing is exactly what we need more of in Wikipedia, and it's nice to feel that one's work isn't necessarily just going to get edited anyway, if you know what I mean. ;) Feel free to drop by and ask a question anytime! ~ Maximilli, 14:21, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hey thanx for replying, and it's okay that you took a while to answer i was pretty sure you were busy or something like that

and thanx i'll join the project right now, i figure i could do mostley common sense things, and also because i'm not as expeirianced i'll provide an opinion that's simalar to people who don't no anything about paintball

keep up the good work

peace- Three ways round 21 december 9:00 (UTC)

Hey man. Just wanted to drop by and say hi. Have you checked out the Woodsball strategy article lately? I've been working pretty hard on it lately. My dream is that one day it'll be FA quality. Any ideas? ~ Maximilli, 19:57, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Unfortuatly i havn't been able to check up on it lately, i've been caught up with some of the other aticles and other stuff. but since you brought it too my attension i'll go check on it now, at the moment i dont' have any idea's, but when they come i'll be sure to tell you. peace- Three ways round 20:08 28 december 2006 (UTC)

Cool, thanks man. ~ Maximilli, 20:40, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I'd like to get in a couple real-life pics, but unfortunately it's rather hard to get pictures of strategy or tactics in action. Half of us (commanders, I mean) usually learn to see these things in our head kinda like an offset bird's eye view, and considering that in such visions, trees and topography are see-through, it'd be a rather interesting image to make. :) I was thinking about drawing up some more diagrams to illustrate visually the individual strategies and tactics, but unfortunately I'm not much of a graphics illustrator and they won't look very professional. I'll have to see some friends; maybe they'll do me a favor. I'd also like to get a real-life image for the top of the page at the intro. Perhaps a scene of a commander pointing into the distance and talking, with the commander's usual retinue of nodding assistants and ground-pounders close by. (In almost every single game above 50 guys per team, the commander is just never left alone...) Anyway. Thoughts? ~ Maximilli, 16:30, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, and a merry new year to you too! Forgot what day it was. :D Are you doing anything to celebrate? I have a Sylvester Night party I'm going to with my girl. Friends, Halo, booming music, shouting and, by 3 in the morning, reckless stunts involving paintball guns and cake! Good times, good times.... ~ Maximilli, 16:32, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ya i no what you mean, when i was reading the page i got the picture of one of those weird football play diagrams, with blue X's and red O's. But a more official looking diagram would probibly be better. also you could also get a picture of a commander with some of his followers in a serious discussion pose (if you acctually get what i'm saying), and other things that don't really have much meaning other than makeing the page more visually appealing. But ya as i get more idea's i'll let you know.

And unfortunatly i don't have anything planned for tonite, hopefully i'll be able to somehow manage go to my freinds house, or something like that, i'd really feel dumb just sitting at home. anyway thanx for asking. good luck finishing the article.

peace- Three ways round 20:30 31 DEcember 2006 (UTC)

Ps. i'm thinking about purchasing an aftermarket barrel for the Tippmann A-5 i'm going to get, i was wondering if you have any sugestions.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. What I'd like to do is draw up a topographical map or something that I could sorta use as a template. Like, for the solid attack and its tactic, I'd draw up the formations and advances and stuff on a different saved version of the map itself. The only problem with that idea is it'd look really simple and unprofessional, you know? I was actually hoping I might find a suitable map here in Wikipedia, but I haven't succeeded so far.
As for the image with the commander and his retinue, I'd do it myself with a couple of my team's boys, but none of them have winter camo and my set got ruined (interesting story involving spring mud, a river, and an enemy squad). And, of course, it'd be silly to wear some other kind of camo here (we've got a good foot or two of snow everywhere). We might have to wait for the commander image until spring, unless someone has a couple appropriately camo'd friends with whom one could act commanding.
Well, I hope you get to go over to your friend's place, then. One should never spend the night doing anything but partying. You sound like a fun guy—I'd invite you to tag along with me and Jen, but you're kinda far away. :) Anyway, good luck and a merry new year to yeh! ~ Maximilli, 23:57, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ya it's probibly best to wait a bit. And your lucky that you guys have snow, we haven't had a full week with snow, and it hasn't gone above past 2 inches. It actually rained into 2007, and i'm hopeing to shovel some driveways to make a bit of extra cash. i would try to get a picture, but i'm still recballing, and i don't think any of my freinds has real camoflauge anyway. Anyway hope you had a good time and thanx for the invite. Oh ya and congrats on finishing the writeing portion, it's definatly looking good.

peace- Three ways round 23:40 1 January 2007 (UTC)

Yes, I suppose it is lucky that we have snow! We were wondering whether we'd get a white Christmas, actually. I personally would have liked a gray Christmas; being from Victoria and homesick for it, I can't get enough of cloudy, drizzly, warm weather. You probably had the rainstorm we had on New Year's Eve, come to think of it. I remember wishing that we'd keep the rain for a while. Unfortunately it turned into a foot of snow by the end of the day - oh well. Hopefully you'll get the sub-freezing temps we have now, since you like the snow. You'll be the first to know, next time we get a storm. :D
About the A-5 aftermarket barrel! I'd ask firstly your price range. If you're looking into the USD$20-$50 range, I'd say a J&J Ceramic. They're really nice for the quality. A number of my riflemen have them and practically swear by them. They're accurate and don't allow a whole lot of noise.
If you're willing to pay double that, then go for the best barrel I've ever had a chance to use: the Stiffi. I'm dead serious, this is the best barrel I've used, and I have personally used a lot of barrels, on a lot of guns. It's USD$100 on ActionVillage.com, which is a pretty good place to buy from (good selection, good prices), so it costs a pretty penny. But, it's completely worth it. I've compared it with every other barrel in that price range, especially the Dye Ultralight, which many consider to be its top competitor, and the Stiffi outperforms it and everything else. It's quiet (near enough dead silent on a good 'Cocker) and very accurate, especially if you get the kit and match bore size to your paint. I use the Stiffi, as does another marksman on the team, and we outshoot everyone we go up against, even other marksmen. (Remind me sometime to tell you about this marksmanship contest my team hosted.) It's also aircraft-grade carbon-fiber, and I haven't experienced any temp. fluctuations. I personally use the .689 calibre, 16" single piece, and couldn't be happier, really.
My strongest advice, though: browse around, take your time, and try to use each barrel you're considering at least once on the field. It might be hard, if you're just starting out paintballing, to have access to the barrels you're considering, but talk to guys at the local field, and normally at least one person has a friend who has the thing and will at least let you test-fire it, and maybe even sell it to you. Make a serious effort to see it and use it before you buy it, and you'll be happier in the long haul.
Gotta get going. Thanks for the congratulations; I'm really hopeful for that article. If I keep at it, maybe someday in the future I'll get it featured. I swear, we really should have a featured article in the paintball category somewhere. It's only fair, after all....
Latah! ~ Maximilli, 23:40, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

hey thanks for answering me about the barrel. I actually have been browsing around, and the stiffi was probibly in the lead for my choice. I know it costs a bit, but i'm saving up, and i would like the best for my gun, even if it means i have to wait a little longer . But i will take your advice on testing it for my personal style. i have a couple of freinds with different barrels(i know i have at least a flatline, and a progressive, but i'm pretty sure i have some freinds with other barrels).

and i agree we really need a FA in the paintball catagory. but i was wondering, for the woodsball strategy page, it's looking very good, and i think we might be able to make it one of the Flagship articles on the Wikiproject:Paintball, it wouldn't be a FA, but it would be a step up, and i think the page is good enough. anyway tell me what you think about it.

peace- Three ways round 23:44, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

ps. Thanks for the welcome

Sweet. Well, I wish you luck in getting it. It can be hard when trying to get a new gun configuration, especially if your budget's tight. Haven't seen a better barrel for the A-5, though, so you've got the right idea. :D Good luck trying to test it, too - often it's absurdly hard to find people with the things you want to buy. If you were here, I'd set you up with that second marksman on my team. Dunno if I mentioned it before, but he uses an A-5 with a 14" Stiffi. It's not as accurate as mine, but then again, he spent a hundred bucks less on it. :D
Hey, that's a good idea! I'll put that up on the WikiProject talk page, see if anyone has any objections. Thanks for the ad hoc nomination. :D We really should iron out some details about specific requirements for flagship articles; a lot of WikiProjects have quality scales like that, and I think we should adopt something similar. I'll talk to RavenStorm when I have a moment, see what he thinks. Although, I haven't noticed any activity from him in a very long time, so I dunno whether he'll respond. What do you think? ~ Maximilli, 18:27, 5 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ya i havn't noticed much from him ether, but i'm not sure but i think pokeing around i think i saw him say somewhere that he was gonna be busy for a while, but i don't know if it was a fact. Maybe you could leave a message, and then wait a while, then put something on the project page, for all the members to vote or something like that.

and thanx ya it is kinda hard to find it. i actually went recballing today... well yesturday by UTC (i have a couple intersting stories) and none of my freinds had it. My one freind hadn't even heard of the Stiffi. but i think i'm gonna go for the stiffi. i'm not sure which length i'm gonna get but that's still a bit away so i have some time to think

anyway peace-Three ways round 02:42, 6 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, okay. That'd explain his lack of activity. Either that, or he went into hibernation. :D I'll leave that message now, maybe see what he thinks if he ever responds; if not, I'll use that idea of yours for the vote. It'll work for these circumstances, surely. I can't imagine anyone who'd dispute its right to be a Flagship article anyway; anyone with eyes can see how hard I worked on it, how comprehensive it is. I guess we'll just have to see to be certain, though.
You went recballing? Awesome - I haven't played any 'ball in...ages. Just lost one of our few precious sponsors, so that kinda puts a damper on our activities (especially since none of us are rich and that chap provided the money for most of the paint). Sucks, but what can you do, eh? Ooh, stories! If there's anything I'm a sucker for, it's paintball stories. How 'bout one or two? :D
Ah, yes; I myself didn't have a chance to test a Stiffi before I bought it, you know. They're rather rare, mostly due to their price I guess. In fact, out of all the barrels I've seen in the past year, only about fifty of them were Stiffis. It was actually pretty cool, 'cause it's almost like joining an insider club or something. Some random dude with a Stiffi sees yours and instantly nods to you, talks to you. We won a scenario event through something like that, believe it or not. But that's a long story. :)
As for length, I'd say it depends somewhat on your style of play, or the style of play you're going after. I heard of a study once about barrel lengths that seems to be pretty well backed up on the field. Once you get about a 12", accuracy gains in relation to gas pretty much even out. After that, say a 16" like mine, then you only get a little bit more accuracy but end up shooting proportionately more gas to get it through the barrel; in other words, it lowers your average chrono speed somewhat, and when you crank up the velocity to compensate, then you're using more gas. That can be bad in the long haul if you're an infantry type or a speedballer who guns a lot, but if you're a marksman like me who's striving for every minute ounce of accuracy possible, then you really don't care in the long run 'cause you don't shoot enough to really notice any real difference.
To be fair, I personally haven't seen the effects of such studies, because I'm not a paint-slinger. Most of my riflemen and my gunner all say it's true, though. Anyway, I personally have a 16-incher because you do have a tiny bit more accuracy, and every single thing on my gun is bought with the purpose of giving it more accuracy. Lots of little things like that add up, and that can really make a difference for a marksman. So I guess length really depends a lot on style, which is, of course, entirely up to you. ~ Maximilli, 05:05, 7 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

hey, ya that really does suck about the sponser. my grandmother gave me about 50 dollars, and that with a bit of help form my freind i was acctually able to get quite a day of playing.

So on to some stories, well as you know i don't have my gun yet so remember all this is with a rental that has about a 3 meter spread at 30 feet. ME and my buddies ended up playing this Assault type scenario where the one team couldn't leave this cabin at the top of this hill, and we have to kill them within a time limit(but the ref didn't enforce the time limit, not that we needed it). and so we started playing and for some reason everyone just stayed on the one side near a path. and some of these people are vetren players too. so i called out to them that i was going to the left and they said ok. i ended up walking, and crawling, and running around, then i proceeded to scale this almost vertical slope on the hill. when i finally get up there only about 2 of the teams 11 players had been hit(one of my freinds shot my other freind in the visor from at least 75 feet), so i get up there and with a combonation of shooting and mercying( my area's version of the 'surrender' rule) i ended up taking out their entire team. and for a while after my own team was shooting at me because they didn't know i had killed the team.

another funny story, we started playing in another area, and this one's more of a area that modeled to look like an airport (one of the few area's not woodsball there). and so me and the freind i mentioned earlier (the one who shot my other freind at 75 feet) went up and he's cautious to the rules while playing. so we approched this building type thing, and i covered the door, and he banged on the wall and yelled mercy before entering. i ddint' really expect it to work, but all of the sudden we here a voice yelling "ok ok". so i expected one maybe two people to come out, all of the sudden 6-7 people which is more than half there team come out calling themselves out, now my jaw just dropped, then we were playing the same area again (each area we go to we play twice with each team starting in each place), and we go up to another building thing and he does the same thing, and the same people call themselves out... i just couldn't beleive it twice in a row, and they had us gunned down over 3:1 and they surrendered. there's a couple other stories but i'm gonna stop for now so i can get some work done. but you need to tell me a couple paintball stories 2.

and as for the stiffi, i'll probibly go with a 14 inch, that way i'm not too far in ether side, i get good accuracy, and moderate air useage, i don't shoot too many paintballs, but i like to have the option open

anyway peace-Three ways round 22:42, 7 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Nice. Yeah, I haven't played in ages. If only I had some winter camo again, I'd feel more like it; it's just creepy running around without proper camouflage. Oh well. My birthday's coming up - the 26th - so I might buy a new set as a self birthday present or something. :)
Ouch, I hate rentals exactly for that reason, especially if they're stock Tippmanns or something. *shivers* Inaccurate as hell and probably haven't been cleaned this side of the turn o' the millennium. Yeah, I sympathize with you. My first marker was like that...well, thank God for 'Cockers, I guess. Sounds like you had a really fun game. I've been in your situation a couple times, of being shot at by friendlies after eliminating all the enemy. One time, I personally led a risky flanking maneuver 'round the enemy line. There were only, like, ninety seconds left on the game clock, so we had zero time for errors. Yet, we walked right into a U-ambush. We all hit the ground and one of my riflemen managed to get an angle on a couple of the enemy from behind a tree. He took out that flank of the U, but then they rushed us. Everyone got hit except me and one of my scouts who's got a real affinity for camouflage. They rolled right over us, and when we had them at their backs, the scout and I jumped up and took them all out before they could turn. We sprinted on toward their center with only sixty seconds or so left on the clock. The scout had grabbed the rocket launcher one of my riflemen had brought (that kind of thing was legal there) and we hit their center really hard. The scout landed a rocket (one of those spinning Nerf footballs, modified to carry a load of paint in its core) right on the wall of the toughest bunker, and the refs called its occupants out. The rest of my team surged through this gap, and we were encircling their flanks when the game ended. The refs met and they decided we'd won, because we had the dominant field position and with another sixty seconds, would have annihilated the remainder of the enemy team. It was funny 'cause one of my heavy gunners spotted me rising from the ground and would have lit me up if I hadn't dashed behind a tree. I was wearing full digi-camo selected to merge perfectly with the field's vegetation then, and he hadn't seen me 'til I started getting up only a meter or two away.
Ha ha! Yeah, one scenario event required us to do the same thing. My best friend, a speedballer who plays as a straight-up-the-middle rifleman, ran out of ammo. He wouldn't accept any from us, so he gave his gun to a ref to hold and ran around tapping people out of bunkers. He's fast, too, and he managed to get a good sixteen/seventeen people out like that before he finally got shot. In fact, you've seen him before - he's the guy in the red tourneyballer outfit who's shooting from behind a stack of tires. I've got that picture on the Speedball article and the bottom of the Woodsball article.
One funny story is when we were playing a D-Day scenario. There was this ferry that crossed a lake in the woods not too far from the main beaches, and a squad of mine and myself were busy ferrying allied guys back and forth. I would snipe until we hit the beach, and then my squad would jump out like a shock team and suppress the enemy while all the friendlies poured out onto the beach. Then my guys would get back in and we'd cross to the other side to bring more friendlies across.
Well, after about thirty minutes of this, the enemy stormed and took that friendly beach when we were smack in the middle of the lake. The ferry was basically a floating wooden platform with walls and a roof that's raised above the tops of the walls just enough to shoot through. A single rope ran across the lake and was tied to a tree on either side; the rope ran through the ferry and held in place by a couple rings. So, in order to propel ourselves, we simply pulled on the rope in whichever direction we wanted to go in. It was just hilarious when the enemy realized we were sitting in the ferry, out in the middle of the lake, and they had no way to get to us. Hilarious from our point of view, anyway; what they saw was a crack squad that was sitting in a literally unassailable position from which we could land whenever we wanted on either side of the beach. We hunkered down behind the walls, avoiding the wide-open entrances through which we could be shot by the enemy. We were pinned there for a good twenty minutes, trading potshots with the marksmen the enemy set up. We took out a good fifteen, maybe twenty guys in that firefight, but one by one my guys - who were mostly riflemen - got shot. So at the end of a good half hour of sitting in the middle of the lake, we were full up with 'dead' guys who just sat on the floor in the center of the ferry, so they couldn't act as human shields nor obstructions. Yet, none of them complained, 'cause they knew how important it was for us living people not to surrender (that's one of the things my team never does, by the way - "Come take them" is practically our motto). :) Finally I was the only one left, being the most accurate and thus having the greatest survival rate. I had all of them stand up and wave their hands to the enemy, and they waved back - they thought we'd all been shot and were trying to put in and head back to the spawn point. We edged over to the side with less guys and once we were in the shallows, all my guys jumped out and a few enemy guys, guns at the ready, waded out to check the ferry. Surprise! I lunged out from hiding, quickly shot them each in the chests, and dashed back again behind the wall before the rest of their guys back on land could hit me. I pulled the rope down below the shooting lane and hurriedly towed myself back out to the middle of the lake.
I sniped a bunch more guys, but a half hour later I was just about out of ammo and gas and I was getting really hungry, having already eaten the candy bars I'd brought along onto the field for just such a reason. Luckily, my squad eventually pushed back to one of the landing points and I was able to leave the field intact. That was fun, but frustrating at times because it seemed I'd either have to surrender or swim for it, and neither were very attractive.
Wow, that was long. :D Anyway, I've gotta go. Good choice with the 14" Stiffi; you'll like it. Keep me posted! ~ Maximilli, 22:59, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ya, nice stories, i wish i could start playing advanced woodsball on an actual team (but first i have to buy a gun/equipment, find a team in my general area, and somehow convince my parents that paintballing is a good idea).

for the rental gun, the funniest part was that it was the least acturate gun playing, but the only gun that didn't break one paintball.

oh ya that reminds me of another story, in that same day, in the second last round i played, i started rushing the other team, and when i fired nothing happened, so i got lit up. after while i was waiting for the game to end, i realised that i had just attacked the team with my safety still on.

but ya good times peace-Three ways round 20:50, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

(I'll respond to what you wrote the other day first.) Yeah, don't you love those rental guns? This one rental had internals so badly clogged with grime, it made this faint wet sound every time it fired. When we took it apart, this watery gray liquid oozed out of the power tube. Not a good thing.
Ha! Yeah, one time I lent my old M98C to a tourney relative of one of my players. He got lit up 'cause it wouldn't fire. Turns out he was used to electronics and only electronics, and had thought I'd already turned it on for him. Ah, good ol' tourneyballers.... ;)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I said 'advanced woodsball' to my second-in-command the other day. "Wha...?" Then I had to explain everything. Where I live, few people actually play woodsball - most just play recball wherever they can get it, without any attraction to either side. We have to travel forever to get to play any other serious teams, which can be rather frustrating at times. So, most of the time we just play against each other, squad to squad or whatever. Not as fun, but it makes for interesting free-for-alls. And hey, I'd even look for a house here so you could just up and move here before the season starts! :D
Sweet! I noticed that userbox on your page the other day. I think it's pretty cool that WikiPB has furnished two of the twenty highest Wikipediholics. Awesome.... Yeah, I know what you mean. Except, I was at my girlfriend's when I responded (partially) last time; I guess Wikipedia really is that addicting. :D ~ Maximilli, 00:04, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

lol ya that's pretty bad with the rental, but i've learned to cope with them for now, untill i get my A-5. All my buddies don't think i should get an A-5 they want me to get an Ion or some other newer gun, but i dont' want electronics in my gun, it just lowers options. anyway i'm not sure how i thought of that but whatever.

hey i was wondering have you heard any from Raven storm or any of the other members of WikiPB.

anyway peace-Three ways round 00:37, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Just realized nobody ever gave you a proper welcome! So, here you are! :D

As you've undoubtedly seen in my talk page, we usually keep this template at the top of our talk pages so we see it a lot and know what's going with the Project and across the category as a whole.

Hope you feel at home now, and keep up the good work! :)

~ Maximilli, 00:03, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I moved this to User:Wikada/Three ways round Wikada - TALK CONT ISU 00:51, 9 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I don't mean to sound like uptight, but i do not like how on your user page you claim to have pretty much created the entire innisdale article. As you can see by the page history and the discussion page, i created the actual entry and did quite a fair bit of work on the page myself. I can see that you have edited and added quite a lot of information, but i would still like for my contributions to be recognised and not completely passed over. Dudeyall 08:41, 25 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

hey sorry man, i didn't mean for it to sound like that, i was just trying to say that i spent a while on that article, and added quite a bit of information. I'll change it now, thanx for poiting it out i don't no if i'm doing something stupid if someone doesn't tell me.

peace-Threewaysround 22:41, 26 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Don't worry about it. You have done quite a lot of work on the page and deserve a lot of credit. I just wanted the was you had stated that to be changed, so thank you. Dudeyall 10:28, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

no problem-Threewaysround 16:53, 4 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, you expressed an interest in this image on IFD. Since it is not a valid public domain image, its use must be backed by a clear fair use rationale. Please see the image page for details. ˉˉanetode╦╩ 23:49, 26 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Just wanna say hey!


Lupo! Ciao! It's me - your Grade 9 rep - you know who I am... we did have French last term until I took Grade 10 - you know, I'm the traitor... Do you think that Wikada, you and I should form some sort of union? Doodledoo 22:45, 15 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Did you notice that there are no images to go with the links I removed? - Peregrine Fisher 20:48, 19 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ya i re-reverted my edit, and i said that on the project talk page

-Threewaysround 20:51, 19 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Kingman Group


Made an Article on the Kingman Group. Might want to add it to the paintball wikiproject. Any ideas on improving this article? Airman Wolf 22:55, 7 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hi. Just wanted to let you know that you seem to have the "hoax" template on your page (up at the top). It probably shouldn't be there, given that it places your talk page in a category with WP articles. Thanks, .V. [Talk|Email] 19:46, 13 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanx for letting me know, :D, it's gone now. -Threewaysround 18:36, 14 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi there


Hey its good to be part of the project. its a fun feild to be in. well also go check out the main paitball article i left a comment at the very bottom about a link that might need to be check out. User:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 19:54, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ok i placed the passage that states the website there its on the talk page

the location is on the paragraph that says playing locations which is here [1]

thanx-:D-Threewaysround 20:21, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Paintball Weapon


i was checking the weapons for paint ball but it seems you dont have nothing on the exotic and powerful paintball bazooka. *dont know official name* also we can mention that some of the weapons have been made to look exactly like military weapons (AK-47, Assult rifles, Shotguns, guns from 007 *my faves* ) well in anyways i can contribute to these as exotic guns like these are what im into. ill probably add a paragraph about the paintball bazooka but as far as the weapons above thats only if u want to mention them. (that is if u havent mentioned them already) *fast reader dont catch everything right away* well thanks for your time! User:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 14:05, 23 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

man i cant find a place to put this infomation in would it be better to place a new article? use that article for exotic weapons or something? we can put the data of gernades and stuff like that in it. well tell me what you think. whenever u log inUser:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 14:50, 23 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

cant find that link u stated. did you want me to make the paragraph under the area u said? also i added the tripwire landmine on that landmine area. cant believe it wasnt there before. anyways just tell me if ur ganna want me to start that paragraph so i can get to it asap =). Ok i see it ill place the data later tonight since im at work right now heh =) User:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 02:20, 24 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

can ya do me a favor and hook me up with a list of as many paintball articles (at the least the most importaint ones) that you can?? youll see why =) user:maverick423

Perfect! ill show u what im up to soon User:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 00:16, 25 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WEll its almost done check out what im up to when u get the chance ill prob finish by today =)

User talk:Maverick423/Templet sandbox User:Maverick423 If It Looks Good Nuke It 01:01, 25 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

some complaints


hey man i saw the complaints on the Bushmaster BKO article that it sounded like a ad. i fixed the article but i was reviewing the tipman article and it seems to have the same prob. we should fix it before it gets nominated. User:Maverick423 Im in ur science steeling ur gravity 00:53, 7 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

well for the complaints all i did to fix the bushmaster article is place everything in past tense. it seemed to call off the guards that way and was spared. i think we should try to make all our articles the same way and try to remove prices and stuff. the only place we can keep the price is on that tamplete at the top. but on the article itself it should be removed.

so our plan of attacking this situation should be make everything past tense and removed prices for now. Maverick423 Says Im in ur science steeling ur gravities 13:31, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Dude! i dont know if its been done yet but my friends are getting together friday to make a paintthrower! like a Flamethrower but one that wont clog up. has this been tried yet? if it has give me some pointers or a article to look at heh. if not im ganna see if we can get some sort of patent for it! anyways ill fill you in on more details later! o god look at me sounding like a little kid XD lol sorry bout that but i just thought you might be intrested in knowing!. User:Maverick423 Im in ur science steeling ur gravity 16:22, 7 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

also i just got a picture of that paintball bazooka so im ganna make the addition to the equipment article soon. if i get too much info though it might need its own article. User:Maverick423 Im in ur science steeling ur gravity 16:30, 7 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

as far as the paint thrower i have alot of free time in my hand XD it wont mass produce it just yet but the mechanics seem easy enough to work out. ill place some pictures of it on my website later once i start working on it. Maverick423 Says Im in ur science steeling ur gravities 13:33, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

AfD nomination of Woodsball strategy


An article that you have been involved in editing, Woodsball strategy, has been listed for deletion. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Woodsball strategy. Thank you. --BJBot (talk) 19:59, 27 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ichthus: January 2012



January 2012

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