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Wikipedia:WikiProject/NAL/Nutrition Security Definitions and Discussions

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Join the USDA National Agricultural Library for a two-part event examining how USDA works to promote and elevate nutrition security.

Nutrition security means all Americans have consistent access to safe, healthy, affordable foods essential to optimal health and well-being. Nutrition security builds on food security by focusing on how the quality of our diets can help reduce diet-related diseases. It also emphasizes equity and addressing long-standing health disparities.

During the event, Dr. Alisha Coleman-Jensen, social science analyst in Food Assistance at the USDA-Economic Research Service, will give an overview of food security and Dr. Sara Bleich, USDA Director of Nutrition Security and Health Equity, will discuss nutrition security and the differences and connections between the two concepts. She will provide an overview of how USDA engages with partners and stakeholders to improve nutrition security. This work centers on four pillars: meaningful support, healthy food, collaborative action, and equitable systems. We will close out the event with a discussion panel of experts including: Dr. John Dyer, Senior Policy Advisor for Precision Nutrition, USDA Research, Education, and Economics, Melanie Abley, Eve Stoody, HeatherDawn Thompson, and Mallory Koenings will join Dr. Bleich. There will be time for questions and discussion with the speakers.

For the second half of the day's event, attendees will learn how to edit Wikipedia while working with experienced editors to update and write Wikipedia articles about nutrition, food, and nutrition security.

Registration is required but attendees are free to come and go as they please.

Full day attendance is not required.



Zoom link upon registration

When: January 5, 2023 10:30am-3:30pm Eastern

Where: Virtual!

Details: No Wikipedia editing experience is necessary; training will be provided.

More information


Please register on Eventbrite. The confirmation email from Eventbrite will include the Zoom link and password to access the event. Full-day attendance is not required.

Wikipedia is an openly editable resource, meaning that you can improve the quality and accuracy of Wikipedia entries. As one of the web’s most visited reference sites, Wikipedia serves as a starting point for many individuals looking to learn about art, history, and science.

During this training, attendees of all experience levels will learn the basics of how to edit Wikipedia by updating related articles.

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1) Select 'Sign in'
2) Scroll down on the page that follows and click 'Publish changes' or 'Save changes'.
Your username will automatically be added to the list of attendees.

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10:30-10:35 Welcome, Paul Wester, Director, USDA National Agricultural Library

10:35-10:55 Dr. Alisha Coleman-Jensen, social science analyst in Food Assistance at the USDA-Economic Research Service

10:55-11:30 Dr. Sara Bleich, Director, Nutrition Security and Health Equity in the Food and Nutrition Service

11:30-12:00 Panel Discussion including:

  • Dr. Melanie Abley, Senior Advisor for Food Safety, Nutrition and Human Health for the Office of the Chief Scientist, USDA
  • Dr. John Dyer, Senior Policy Advisor for Precision Nutrition, USDA Research, Education, and Economics
  • Dr. Mallory Koening, National Program Leader in the Division of Nutrition, Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition at the National Institute for Food Agriculture (NIFA), USDA
  • Dr. Eve Stoody, Director of Nutrition Guidance and Analysis Division, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), USDA

12:00-12:15 Question and Answer session with speakers, Paul Wester as moderator

12:15-1:00 BREAK

1:00-1:30 Wikipedia Editing Training with Jamie Flood, USDA National Agricultural Library

1:30-3:30 Editing time, questions and follow-up, one-on-one training as needed. Take breaks as needed. Shortly before 3:30 we will wrap up by reviewing our editing statistics.



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