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Wikipedia:WikiProject Arminianism/FAQ

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This page covers a few topics which seem to come up for discussion every few months on one or another of the Arminianism pages. They are addressed here; if you feel the need to reopen any of them, please do it on the talk page of this article, or an appropriate subpage.

Scope of the terms "Arminian" and "Wesleyan"


Wikipedia, has a descriptivist policy as part of its Wikipedia:Neutral point of view policy. This means that, when we write an article about a term, we must write an article that attempts to include all major uses of the term. This means that if a term is often used in certain ways that you don't like, that view still (according to Wikipedia policy) needs to be represented in the article; if there's significant disagreement with the use of the term, that can be represented in the article too. If you disagree with the Wikipedia policy, then:

  • Your arguments should be directed to the talk page for WP:NPOV, not elsewhere
  • Assuming that policy is not changed in your favour, you may prefer an encyclopedia with a different policy, such as http://www.theopedia.com/.

What things should be included as "Arminian"? Are "Arminian" and "Wesleyan" the same thing?


Various editors have observed that the terms "Arminian" and "Wesleyan" are used synonymously in reliable sources. Those who attempt to draw distinctions between them do not always draw the same distinction; some see Wesleyan as a subset of Arminian. Because of Wikipedia's descriptivist policy that has to represent all opinions, the terms end up being synonymous.

Are General Baptists Arminians?


In line with Wikipedia's descriptivist policy (see above), General Baptists must be included as Arminians.

Are Arminians also "Reformed"?


In line with Wikipedia's descriptivist policy, no, it must not be described as such. However, since traditional Arminus claimed to be Reformed, this should be noted too.