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Coordinates: 40°29′51″N 71°42′42″E / 40.49750°N 71.71167°E / 40.49750; 71.71167
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uzbek: Xotinariq Russian: Хотинарык
Coordinates: 40°29′51″N 71°42′42″E / 40.49750°N 71.71167°E / 40.49750; 71.71167
RegionFergana Region
DistrictQoʻshtepa District
Time zoneUTC+5 (UZT)

Xotinariq (/khotinariq/) is a town belonging to Qoʻshtepa District, Fergana Region, Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2009, it was given the status of a town.[1] [2] [3] The name derives from a word referring to a source of water.[4]


  1. ^ "ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ КАБИНЕТА МИНИСТРОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 13.03.2009 г. N 68 О ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫХ МЕРАХ ПО СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЮ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНО-ТЕРРИТОРИАЛЬНОГО УСТРОЙСТВА НАСЕЛЕННЫХ ПУНКТОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН" [Cabinet Resolution. Republic of Uzbekistan. March 13, 2009. No. 68. About additional measures to improve administrative territorial development of populations points of the Republic of Uzbekistan]. "Собрание законодательства Республики Узбекистан", 2009 г., N 12, ст. 130 ["Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan", 2009, N 12, Art. 130]. March 13, 2009.
  2. ^ "Obyekt - Xotinariq". geonames.kadastr.uz. Retrieved 2023-09-04. Reestrdagi kodi: АPU:205816
    Obyekt nomi: Xotinariq
    Geografik obyekt turi: Aholi punkti
    Normallashgan nomi: Хотинариқ
    Joylashgan joyi: Farg'ona viloyati Toshloq tumani
    Registratsiya vaqti: 09.09.2015
    Berilgan takliflar: 0 ta
    [Registry code: APU:205816
    Object name: Khatinariq
    Geographic object type: Settlement
    Normalized name: Khatinariq
    Location: Toshloq District, Fergana Region
    Registration time: 09.09.2015
    Offers made: 0]
  3. ^ "toponimika". Toshkentda ham Qizmozor, Xotinariq, Xotinmachit kabi nomlar paydo b lgan. [Names such as Kyzmozor, Khotinariq, and Khotinmachit also appeared in Tashkent.]
  4. ^ SHUKUROV, Rahmatillo; JO‘RABOYEVA, Gulruh (2018). "ONA TILI DARSLARIDA JOY NOMLARINI O'RGANISH yoxud mazkur mavzuni yoritish bo'yicha uslubiy tavsiyalar" [LEARNING PLACE NAMES IN MOTHER LANGUAGE CLASSES or methodical recommendations for covering this topic] (PDF). Til Va Adabiyot. 2018 (11): 17–18. Suv manbayiga ishora qiluvchi so'zlardan hosil qilingan nomlar. Marjonbuloq, Xotinariq, Qorasoy, Yettibuloq, Tolquduq, Qorasuv [Names derived from words referring to water sources. Marjonbuloq, Khatinariq, Karasoy, Yettibuloq, Tolquduq, Karasuv]