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List of Greek and Latin roots in English/O

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
ob-, o-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os-[1] against Latin ob obduracy, obdurate, obduration, obfuscate, oblique, obliquity, obstinate, obstreperous, occur, offend, omit, oppose, ostensible, ostentatious
obel-[2] spit, nail Greek ὀβελός (obelós), ὀβελίσκος (obelískos) metobelus, obelisk, obelism, obelus
obol-[3] Greek ὀβολός, ὀβολοῦ (obolós, oboloû) obol, obolus
ocean-[4] Greek ὠκεανός (ōkeanós) Oceania, oceanic
ochl-[5] crowd, mob Greek ὄχλος, ὄχλου (ókhlos, ókhlou) enochlophobia, ochlocracy, ochlophobia
oct-[6] eight Greek ὀκτώ (oktṓ), ὀκτάς (oktás), ὀκτάκις (oktákis) "eight times" hemi-octahedron, octad, octadic, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octode
oct- eight Latin octō octangular, octennial, octovir
octav- eighth Latin octāvus octaval
octogen- eighty each Latin octogeni octogenarian, octogenary
octogesim- eightieth Latin octogesimus octogesimal
octon- eight each Latin octoni octonary
ocul- eye Latin oculus, oculare ocular, oculus, ullage
od- path, way Greek ὁδός (hodós) anode, diode, odometer, parodos, pentode, tetrode, triode
odi- hate Latin odium odious
odont-[7] tooth Greek ὀδούς, ὀδόντος (odoús, odóntos) anodontia, conodont, cynodont, dicynodont, dysodontiasis, macrodontia, mastodon, odontoid, odontology, odontophore, orthodontics, orthodontist, pedodontics, periodontal, smilodon, Thrinaxodon, Zanclodon
odor- fragrant Latin odor malodorous, odoriferous, odorous
odyn-[8] pain Greek ὀδύνη (odúnē) allodynia, anodyne, glossodynia, mastodynia, pleurodynia
oec-[9] house Greek ϝοῖκος (woîkos), οἶκος (oîkos) andromonecy, archdiocese, autoecious, autoecism, dioecious, dioecy, ecesis, ecologist, ecology, economics, economist, economize, economy, ecoregion, ecosystem, ecumenic, ecumenism, gynomonoecy, heteroecious, heteroecism, heteroecy, homoecious, monoecious, monoecy, oecology, oeconomus, oecumenic, oikology, oikophobia, palaeoecology, paleoecology, parish, paroecious, perioeci, trioecious
oed-, ed- swell, swollen Greek οἶδος (oîdos), οἰδεῖν (oideîn), οἴδημα, οἴδηματος (oídēma, oídēmatos) angioedema, edema, edematous, oedema, oedematous
oen-[10] wine Greek ϝοῖνος (woînos), οἶνος (oînos) enology, oenochoe, oenologist, oenology, oenophile, oenophilia, oinochoe
oesophag-[11] gullet Greek οἰσοφάγος (oisophágos) oesophagectomy, oesophagitis, oesophagus
oestr-[12] gadfly, sting Greek οἶστρος (oîstros), οἰστράω, οἴστρησις, οἴστρημα anestrous, anestrus, anoestrus, estrogen, estrogenic, estrus, oestrone, oestrus
ogdo-[13] eighth Greek ὄγδοος (ógdoos), ὀγδοάς, ὀγδοάδος (ogdoás, ogdoádos) ogdoad
-oid like Greek -οειδής (-oeidēs) asteroid, mucoid, organoid
ole- oil Latin oleum oleosity
olecran-[14] skull of elbow Latin from Greek ὠλέκρανον (ōlékranon) olecranon
olig-[15] few Greek ὀλίγος (olígos) oligarchy, Oligocene, oligopoly, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic
oliv- olive Latin oliva olivaceous, olivary, olivette
om-[16] raw Greek ὠμός (ōmós), ὠμότης (ōmótēs) "rawness" omophagia, Omophagus
om-[17] shoulder Greek ὦμος (ômos), ὠμία (ōmía) acromion, omohyoid, omophorion
-oma morbid growth, tumor Greek -ωμα melanoma
omas- paunch Latin omasum abomasum, omasum
ombr-[18] rain Greek ὄμβρος (ómbros) ombrogenous, ombrology, ombrometer, Ombrophila, ombrophilous, ombrophobe, ombrotrophic
oment- fat skin Latin omentum omental
omin- creepy Latin omen, ominis abominable, ominous
ommat- eye Greek ὁράω, ὦμμαι, ὄμμα, ὄμματος (ómma, ómmatos) ommatidium, ommatophore
omni- all Latin omnis omnipotence, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivore
omphal-[19] navel Greek ὀμφαλός (omphalós) omphalectomy, omphalic, omphalopagus, omphalophobia, paromphalocele
on-[20] ass Greek ὄνος (ónos), ὀνίσκος (onískos) Oniscidea, Oniscomorpha
onc-[21] barb, hook Greek ὄγκος, ὄγκινος (ónkinos) Oncinocalyx, Oncorhynchus
onc-[22] (ΕΓΚ[23]) bulk Greek ἐνεγκεῖν, ὄγκος (ónkos), ὀγκόω, ὀγκωτός, ὄγκωσις, ὄγκωμα oncocyte, oncocytoma, oncogenesis, oncologist, oncology
oneir-[24] dream Greek ὄνειρος (óneiros), ὀνειρώσσω, ὀνείρωξις (oneírōxis) oneiric, oneirism, oneirocritic, Oneirocritica, Oneirodidae, oneirogen, oneirogenic, Oneiroi, oneiroid, oneirology, oneiromancy, oneironaut, oneironautics, oneirophobia, oneirophrenia, oneiroscopy
oner- burden, load Latin onus, oneris exonerate, exoneration, onerous, onus
oni-[25] price Greek ὦνος (ônos), ὤνιος (ṓnios) oniochalasia, oniomania, oniomaniac
onomat-[26] name Greek ὄνομα, ὀνόματος (ónoma, onómatos), ὀνομάζω, ὀνομαστικός (onomastikós) antonomasia, onomasiology, onomastic, onomasticon, onomastics, onomasty, onomatology, onomatophore, onomatopoeia
ont- being, existence Greek ὄντος, ὀντότης (óntos, ontótēs), οὐσία (ousía) dysontogenesis, homoiousia, homoousia, monoousious, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogeny, ontology, ousia, parousia
onych-[27] claw Greek ὄνυξ, ὄνυχος (ónux, ónukhos), ὀνύχιον (onúkhion), ὀνύχινος, ὀνυχίζω hapalonychia, Mesonychia, onychectomy, onycholysis, onychomancy, onychomycosis, onychophagia, onychophagy, onychorrhexis, onyx, paronychia, sardonyx
onym-[28] name Greek ὄνυμα (ónuma) acronym, allonym, anonymous, antonym, autonym, caconym, cryptonym, eponym, eponymous, eponymy, euonym, homonym, hyperonym, hyponym, hyponymy, meronym, meronymy, metonym, metonymy, metronymic, paronym, paronymous, pseudonym, pseudonymous, synonym, synonymous, synonymy, tautonym, tautonymous, tautonymy, troponym, troponymy, xenonym, xenonymy
oo-[29] egg Greek ᾠόν (ōión) bottarga, dioon, epoophoron, oidioid, oidium, ooblast, oocyst, oocyte, oocytogenesis, oogamete, oogamous, oogamy, oogenesis, oogonium, ooid, oolite, oolith, oology, oomancy, oophagy, oophorectomy, oophoron, ootheca, ootid, ootidogenesis, paroophoron
op-[30] hole Greek ὀπή (opḗ), ὀπαῖον (opaîon) metope, opaion
opac- shady Latin opacus opacity, opacus, opaque
oper- work Latin opus, operis cooperate, inoperable, opera, operate, opus
oper- cover Latin operire, operculum interoperculum, kerchief, opercular, operculiform, operculum
ophi-[31] snake Greek ὄφις, ὄφεως (óphis, ópheōs) Brachyurophis, ophicephalous, Ophicephalus, Ophiceras, Ophiclinus, ophidiophobia, ophiolite, ophiologist, ophiology, ophiophagous, Ophiophagus, ophiophagy, ophiophobia, Ophisaurus, Ophisops, ophitic
ophthalm-[32] eye Greek ὀφθαλμός (ophthalmós) exophthalmic, exophthalmos, microphthalmia, ophthalmia, ophthalmic, ophthalmologic, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, ophthalmoparesis, ophthalmoplegia, parophthalmia, xerophthalmia
opisth-[33] behind Greek ὄπισθεν (ópisthen), ὀπίσθιος anopisthograph, opisthion, opisthobranch, opisthodomos, opisthoglyphous, opisthognathous, opisthograph, opisthokont, opisthosoma, opsimath, opsimathy
ops-, opt- (ΟΠ) eye Greek ὄψεσθαι (ópsesthai), ὀπτός (optós), ὀπτικός (optikós), ὄψις (ópsis) amblyopia, anopia, autopsy, biopsy, catadioptrics, catoptrics, catoptromancy, catoptrophobia, cyclops, diopter, dioptre, dioptrics, diplopia, eisoptrophobia, emmetropia, hemianopsia, myopia, opsoclonus, optic, optokinetic, panopticon, pleoptics, synopsis, synoptic, tritanopia
opsi-[34] late Greek ὀψέ (opsé), ὄψιος opsimath
opson-[35] cook, prepare for eating Greek ὀψωνεῖν (opsōneîn), (opsōnia) opsonin, opsonoid
opt- choose Latin optare adopt, adoptee, adoption, adoptive, co-option, coopt, cooptation, nonoptional, opt, optation, optative, option, optional, optionality
optim- best Latin optimus optimal, optimum
or-, oro-[36] mountain Greek ὄρος, ὄρεος (óros, óreos), ὀρειάς Oread, orogenesis, orogenic, orogeny, orographic, orography, oronym
or- mouth Latin os (genitive oris) "mouth" adosculation, inosculate, inosculation, interosculate, intraoral, oral, orifice, osculant, osculum, peroral
ora- pray, plead Latin orare "to pray, plead" adore, adoration, exorable, inexorable, oracle, orate, oration, orator, oratorio, oratory, orison, perorate, peroration, perorator
orb- circle Latin orbis orbit
orch-[37] testicle Greek ὄρχις (órkhis), ὀρχίδιον (orkhídion) anorchia, cryptorchidism, monorchism, orchid, orchiectomy, orchiopexy, Orchis, polyorchidism
orches-[38] dance Greek ὀρχεῖσθαι (orkheîsthai) orchestra
ordin- order Latin ōrdō, ordinis coordinal, coordinate, coordination, coordinator, disorder, extraordinaire, extraordinary, grandorder, incoordinate, incoordination, infraorder, inordinate, inordination, insubordinate, insubordination, magnorder, mirorder, ordain, ordainment, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordinand, ordinariate, ordinary, ordinate, ordination, ordinative, ordnance, ornery, parvorder, preordain, preorder, preordination, quasiorder, reordain, reorder, reordination, suborder, subordinary, subordinate, subordination, superordain, superorder, superordinate, superordination
oreg-[39] reach Greek ὀρέγειν (orégein), ὀρεκτός (orektós), ὀρεκτικός (orektikós), ὄρεξις (órexis), ὄρεγμα (óregma) anorectic, anorexia, dysorexia, orectic, orexin, parorexia
org- work Greek ὄργια (órgia) orgasm
organ- organ, instrument, tool Greek ὄργανον (órganon) organic, organism, organogenesis
ori-, ort- rise Latin oriri, ortus aboriginal, abort, abortifacient, abortion, abortive, disorient, disorientation, orient, oriental, Orientalia, orientate, orientation, orientational, orientative, origin, original, originality, originate, origination, originator, reorient, reorientation
orn- decorate Latin ōrnāre adorn, adornment, ornament, ornamental, ornamentation, ornate, ornative, ornature, suborn, subornation
ornith-[40] bird Greek ὄρνις, ὄρνιθος (órnis, órnithos) Avernus, ornithology, ornithomancy, ornithorhynchus, ornithosis
orphan-[41] Greek ὀρφανός (orphanós), ὀρφανότης orphan
orth-[42] straight Greek ὀρθός (orthós), ὀρθότης orthocenter, orthocentric, orthodontia, orthodontic, orthodontist, orthodox, orthodoxy, orthographic, ortholog, orthologous, orthonym, orthopedic, orthoscope, orthosis, orthostat, orthostyle, orthotic
oryz-[43] rice Greek ὄρυζα (óruza), ὀρύζιον Oryza, Oryzomys, rice, risotto
oscill- swing Latin oscillum oscillate, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatory
osm-[44] odor Greek ὀσμή (osmḗ), ὄσμησις anosmia, anosmic, cacosmia, coprosmia, dysosmia, dysosmic, euosmia, hyperosmia, hyperosmic, hyposmia, hyposmic, osmium, osmolagnia, osmophobia, osphresiolagnia, parosmia, phantosmia, troposmia
osm-[45] push, thrust Greek ὠσμός (ōsmós) osmometry, osmosis, osmostat, osmotic
oss- bone Latin os, ossis exossation, interosseous, ossature, osselet, osseocartilaginous, osseointegration, osseous, ossicle, ossicular, ossiferous, ossification, ossifrage, ossify, ossuary
oste-[46] bone Greek ὀστέον, ὀστέου (ostéon, ostéou), ὀστοῦν, ὀστοῦ (ostoûn, ostoû) dysostosis, endosteum, exostosis, hyperostosis, monostotic, Osteichthyes, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, osteochondritis, osteochondrosis, osteoclast, osteogenic, osteogenesis, osteoid, osteology, osteolysis, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteonecrosis, osteopathy, osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosis, osteothrombosis, osteotome, osteotomy, periosteum, synostosis
osti- entrance Latin ostium ostiary, ostiolar, ostiole, ostium
ostrac- shell Greek ὄστρειον (óstreion), ὀστρακίζω (ostrakízō), ὄστρακον (óstrakon) Entomostraca, Leptostraca, Malacostraca, ostracism, ostracize, ostracod, ostracoderm, ostracon, periostracum
ostre-[47] oyster Greek ὄστρεον ostreophagist, oyster
ot-[48] ear Greek οὖς, ὠτός (oûs, ōtós) anotia, Aotus, microtia, Myosotis, otalgia, otic, otitis, otocephaly, otocleisis, otoconium, otocyst, otodynia, otolith, otology, otopathy, otophyma, otoplasty, otorhinology, otorrhea, otosclerosis, otoscope, otoscopy, ototomy, parotic, parotid, periotic, synotia
ov- egg Latin ovum obovate, oval, ovarian, ovariole, ovary, ovate, ovicapsule, ovicidal, ovicide, oviduct, oviferous, oviform, oviposition, ovipositor, ovolo, ovular, ovulation, ovulatory, ovule, ovum, pluriovulate
ovi- sheep Latin ovis ovile, ovine
oxy-[49] sharp, pointed Greek ὀξύς (oxús) anoxia, anoxic, dioxide, hypoxia, monoxide, oxide, oxyanion, oxygen, oxyhalide, oxymoron, oxyntic, oxytone, paroxysm, pentoxide, polyoxide, tetraoxygen, tetroxide, trioxide
oz-[50] smell Greek ὄζειν (ózein), ὄζων (ózōn), ὄζη ozocerite, ozone, ozopore


  1. ^ ŏb. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  2. ^ ὀβελός in Liddell and Scott
  3. ^ ὀβολός in Liddell and Scott
  4. ^ ὠκεανός in Liddell and Scott
  5. ^ ὄχλος in Liddell and Scott
  6. ^ ὀκτώ in Liddell and Scott
  7. ^ ὀδούς in Liddell and Scott
  8. ^ ὀδύνη in Liddell and Scott
  9. ^ οἶκος in Liddell and Scott
  10. ^ οἶνος in Liddell and Scott
  11. ^ οἰσοφάγος in Liddell and Scott
  12. ^ οἶστρος in Liddell and Scott
  13. ^ ὄγδοος in Liddell and Scott
  14. ^ ὠλέκρανον in Liddell and Scott
  15. ^ ὀλίγος in Liddell and Scott
  16. ^ ὠμός in Liddell and Scott
  17. ^ ὦμος in Liddell and Scott
  18. ^ ὄμβρος in Liddell and Scott
  19. ^ ὀμφαλός in Liddell and Scott
  20. ^ ὄνος in Liddell and Scott
  21. ^ ὄγκος in Liddell and Scott
  22. ^ ὄγκος in Liddell and Scott
  23. ^ ὄγκος in Middle Liddell and Scott
  24. ^ ὄνειρος in Liddell and Scott
  25. ^ ὦνος in Liddell and Scott
  26. ^ ὄνομα in Liddell and Scott
  27. ^ ὄνυξ in Liddell and Scott
  28. ^ ὄνυμα in Liddell and Scott
  29. ^ ᾠόν in Liddell and Scott
  30. ^ ὀπή in Liddell and Scott
  31. ^ ὄφις in Liddell and Scott
  32. ^ ὀφθαλμός in Liddell and Scott
  33. ^ ὄπισθεν in Liddell and Scott
  34. ^ ὀψέ in Liddell and Scott
  35. ^ ὀψωνέω in Liddell and Scott
  36. ^ ὄρος in Liddell and Scott
  37. ^ ὄρχις in Liddell and Scott
  38. ^ ὀρχέομαι in Liddell and Scott
  39. ^ ὀρέγω in Liddell and Scott
  40. ^ ὄρνις in Liddell and Scott
  41. ^ ὀρφανός in Liddell and Scott
  42. ^ ὀρθός in Liddell and Scott
  43. ^ ὄρυζα in Liddell and Scott
  44. ^ ὀσμή in Liddell and Scott
  45. ^ ὠσμός in Liddell and Scott
  46. ^ ὀστέον in Liddell and Scott
  47. ^ ὄστρεον in Liddell and Scott
  48. ^ οὖς in Liddell and Scott
  49. ^ ὀξύς in Liddell and Scott
  50. ^ ὄζω in Liddell and Scott