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List of Greek and Latin roots in English/U

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
uber- fruitful, udder Latin ūber, uberare exuberance, exuberant, exuberate, uberous, uberty
uligin- in marshes Latin uligo, uliginis uliginous
ul-[1] gums Greek οὖλον (oûlon) ulorrhea
ul-[2] woolly Greek οὖλος (oûlos) Ulotrichi
ultim- farthest Latin ultimus ultimate, ultimatum
ultra- beyond Latin ultra ultrasonic
umbilic- navel Latin umbilicus umbilical, umbilicate, umbilication
umbr- shade, shadow Latin umbra adumbral, adumbrant, adumbrate, adumbration, adumbrative, antumbra, inumbrate, obumbrant, obumbrate, obumbration, penumbra, penumbral, somber, sombrero, subumbellate, umbel, umbellate, umbelliferous, umbelliform, umbellulate, umbellule, umber, umbra, umbraculum, umbrage, umbrageous, umbral, umbrella, umbriferous, umbrose
un- one Latin ūnus, unius adunation, biunique, coadunate, coadunation, disunite, disunity, malunion, nonuniform, nonuniformity, nonunion, nonunique, nonunity, onion, reunification, reunion, reunite, triune, unanimous, unary, unate, unicorn, unific, unification, uniform, uniformity, unify, union, unique, unite, unity, universal, universe, university
unc- hook Latin uncus adunc, aduncity, aduncous, unciform, Uncinaria, uncinate, Uncinia
unci- ounce, twelfth Latin uncia inch, ounce, quincuncial, semiuncial, uncial
und- wave Latin unda abound, abundance, abundant, inundant, inundate, inundation, redound, redundancy, redundant, superabound, superabundance, superabundant, surround, undine, undulant, undulate, undulation, undulatory, undulatus, undulose
undecim- eleventh Latin undecimus undecimal
unden- eleven each Latin ūndēni undenary
ungu- claw, hoof, nail Latin unguis, ungula ungual, unguiferous, unguiform, ungular, ungulate, unguligrade
ur-[3] tail Greek οὐρά, οὐρᾶς (ourá, ourâs) anthurium, Anura, brachyurous, colure, cynosure, Diplura, Protura, uroborus, urochord, uroid, uropod
ur-[4] urine Greek οὐρεῖν (oureîn), οὖρον, οὔρου (oûron, oúrou), οὔρησις (oúrēsis), οὐρητήρ (ourētḗr), οὐρήθρα (ourḗthra) antidiuretic, cystinuria, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, enuresis, homocystinuria, lithuresis, polyurea, polyuria, strangury, uraemia/uremia, urea, uremic, uresiesthesia, uresis, ureter, ureteroscopy, urethra, urology
uran-[5] heaven, sky Greek οὐρανός, οὐρανοῦ (ouranós, ouranoû), οὐρανόθεν (ouranóthen) uraninite, uranium, uranography, uranology, uranometry, uranophobia, Uranus
urb- city Latin urbs, urbis conurbation, exurb, exurban, interurban, inurbane, inurbanity, nonurban, suburb, suburban, suburbanite, urban, urbane, urbanity
urg- work Greek
urg- work Latin urgere urgency, urgent
urs- bear Latin ursus Ursa Major, ursine, Ursus
ut-, us- use Latin uti, usus abuse, disuse, use, usual, utilitarian, utility
uv- grape Latin uva uvea, uvula
uxor- wife Latin uxor uxoricide

