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Talk:Plan Dalet/Archive 2

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Archive 1Archive 2

The 'Background' section is extremely warped.

One would get the impression from reading the 'Background' section of the article that Palestinians were responsible for most of the violence after the UN partition vote. In actual fact, Zionist terrorist gangs and regular armed forces committed dozens of indiscriminate massacres, murders, woundings, robbery and arsons on the Palestinians between the UN partition vote and the Arab intervention to stop the genocide that the Brits just walked away from. For example, see: https://thepalestineproject.medium.com/notorious-massacres-of-palestinians-between-1937-1948-ae4f4d1f61d0

Or see the Encyclopaedia of the Palestine Problem, Nakhleh, Issa, chapter 6, quoting War Office file 275/109, Public Record Office, London, and Hansard, House of Commons Debates - below, I've only listed just the attacks that occurred in December 1947, (refer to chapter 7 for a long list of attacks on Palestinians by Jews in 1948), and only those attacks that were recorded by the British occupying forces who were known for their pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian bias after fighting one world war against the Arabs, and two world wars on the side of the Jews, and it's only the attacks where the ethnicity of the attackers was able to be determined and was recorded as Jewish by the British occupying forces, and where the victims were Arab:

'2 DECEMBER 1947: Khisas village. 1 Arab civilian shot dead by Jewish Gaffir from Beit Hillel approximately 1200 hours. TJFF Huleh patrols increased. WO 275/46

3 DECEMBER 1947... Morning 3 December. Several Arab shops in Harcarmel Street Mashiya Quarter of Jaffa set on fire by Jews.

031500B 14 year old Arab boy shot from passing Jewish taxi in Yazur village MR 131169 on main road Jaffa- Jerusalem.

031630B Arab boy seriously injured by shot fired from Jewish bus passing through Al Qubab village MR 145 15 1 on main road Jaffa-Jerusalem.

3 DECEMBER 1947: Jews set fire to Arab Garage in Commercial Centre. Two Arabs shot near Zion Gate. WO 261/571

4 DECEMBER 1947: 30 Jews attacked an orange grove Alkheiriya 133160, threw hand grenades and fired shots. 1 Arab slightly wounded. WO 261/571

5 DECEMBER 1947: At 1000 hours, two Palestine policemen escorting Arab curfew breakers in Tel Aviv set upon and stabbed by Jews. 2 Palestine policemen seriously injured. 1 Jew slightly injured. WO 261/571

6 DECEMBER 1947: At 0915 hours Jewish youths attacked three Arabs in Halutz Street, Haifa. Police dispersed crowd. 1 Arab dead. WO 261/571

6 DECEMBER 1947: At 1000 hours gang of Jews killed an Arab in Hashomer Street, Haifa. 1 Arab killed. WO 261/571

6 DECEMBER 1947: 1 Infantry Division, at 1550 hours, the occupants of a PU travelling down Hassan Bey Road, Tel Aviv, threw a bomb into an Arab shop which caught fire. Some casualties, number unknown. They then opened fire at a Police armoured car which gave chase and caught the PU in the Agro Bank Road. One Jewish occupant of the PU was seriously wounded, the remaining five escaped. One pistol, 3 Sten magazines and some gun cotton were found in the PU. WO 261/571

6 DECEMBER 1947. At 1550 hours bomb thrown in Arab shop in Hassan Bey Road from car which was chased and captured by Police. Car contained one Jew, seriously injured, a pistol, Sten mags and gun cotton. 2 Arabs killed. 5 Arabs injured. WO 261/571

6 DECEMBER 1947... At Yemen Steps a party of Jews directed automatic fire and threw a grenade at Arabs. One Arab was seriously wounded in the stomach... At Bab Silsileh, on the borders of the Jewish Quarter, Old City, a hand grenade was thrown from the Jewish Quarter into an Arab house. The following casualties resulted: one Arab dead, two Arabs seriously injured and one Arab injured (not seriously). WO 275/64

9 DECEMBER 1947: At 2330 hours, Jews entered Arab village Paratiya 12111173 and blew up one house. WO 261/571

9 DECEMBER 1947: Jews damaged Christian Arab houses Herzl Street. WO 261/571

10 DECEMBER 1947... At 0615 on 11 December, a Jewish lorry opened fire on a group of Arabs at Balad El Sheikh, killing two. At 1330 hours an Arab bus was blown up by a bomb thrown from a passing car, and 5 Arabs were killed and 21 injured. Late that night Jews dressed in Military uniforms and travelling in a jeep and 15 cwt truck attacked At Tira village causing considerable damage and killing 12 Arabs. Another attack against the Military, this time on the Mountain road, caused the death of a Corporal. WO 275/46

11 DECEMBER 1947: 1320 hours, Jews in taxi on Bat Gallim Haifa road threw bombs and injured 3 youths. WO 261/571

11 DECEMBER 1947: 1335 hours, bomb thrown under Arab bus Kingsway, Haifa. 4 Arabs killed, and 12 injured. WO 261/57 1

11 DECEMBER 1947: 1945 hours, engagement between Jews and Arabs on Mount Scopus-Nablus road Jerusalem at Shufat. Under cover of fire Jews entered village dressed as soldiers and police and tried to blow up houses. 2 unexploded grenades and some dynamite later found in village by Palestine Police. WO 26l/57l

11 DECEMBER 1947: 2245 hours, party of Jews wearing military type uniform attacked at Tirya 14802410. 1 house destroyed, and 5 houses damaged. 12 Arabs killed and 6 Arabs injured. 15 cwt and jeep used in attack made with grenades and LA fire. WO 26 1 /57 1

11 DECEMBER 1947: Grenades thrown in Ramle during night and automatic fire directed at a garage by Jews in a taxi. WO 261/57 1

12 DECEMBER 1947: 6 AB Division, at 2245 hours, 1 1 December, party of Jews wearing military-type uniforms attacked the Northwest corner of Mount Tira at 14802410. Some of the party came down from hills on foot, while some came in a 15 cwt truck and a jeep along the main road. They attacked six houses with grenades and small arms fire. One house completely destroyed and others damaged. Known casualties - Arabs - 12 killed and 6 injured. WO 261/571

12 DECEMBER 1947: 252 FS Sec., 12 December. At 0900 hours, Jews threw grenades at a garage behind Rex Cinema, Jerusalem. Casualties: 2 Arabs injured. WO 275/64

12 DECEMBER 1947: Incident between Jews and Lebanese at approximately 1400 hours. 1 grenade thrown by Jews wounding 1 Lebanese civilian. Both parties withdrew. No further casualties. WO 275/46

12 DECEMBER 1947: Arab shot in Orah Cinema Gabriel Street, Haifa. WO 261/57 1

13 DECEMBER 1947: 1220 hours, bombs thrown and small arms fire directed at Arab crowd from Jewish taxi near Damascus Gate, Jerusalem. Killed - 4 Arabs and 1 Jew. Wounded - 15 Arabs and 2 British constables. Crowd killed 1 Jew, slightly injured 2 British constables trying to keep order. Taxi and owner arrested; 3 other occupants escaped. WO 261/571

13 DECEMBER 1947: Five armed Jews using Black Fargo tender attacked Cafe King George Avenue, Jaffa. Cafe and other buildings extensively damaged. 6 Arabs killed. 15 Arabs seriously wounded. 21 Arabs wounded. Tender had been stolen in Petah Tiqva at 1300 hours. WO 261/571

13 DECEMBER 1947: 1 Infantry Division, 13 December. Sound of heavy explosion at Al Yehudia village 139159. Bombs were thrown by attackers followed by heavy Small Arms fire. Arabs report attack carried out by 4 truck loads of Jews reported to be wearing K.D. Coldm Gds emergency platoon, sent to scene found police armoured car being fired upon. Casualties: 6 Arabs killed, one Arab seriously wounded and 12 Arabs wounded. Firing ceased 1520 hours. WO 275/64

13 DECEMBER 1947: Four truck loads armed Jews dressed in KD attacked Al Yehudiya 139159 with bombs and small arms fire. 6 Arabs killed, 15 Arabs seriously wounded and 21 Arabs slightly wounded. Police armoured car fired on. Order restored on appearance Coldm Gds emergency police. WO 261/571

13 DECEMBER 1947: Two Arabs wounded in Manshiya Quarter, Tel Aviv, during afternoon. WO 261/571

13 DECEMBER 1947: G (Int), 13 December. Bombs were thrown at stationary buses at Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, from car containing Jew who also opened up Small Arms fire on the crowd. Casualties probably higher than previously estimated. One Jew manhandled and killed by crowd. Car containing Jews apprehended. WO 275164

14 DECEMBER 1947: 01 30 hours Jews attacked Arabs in Tel Arish Quarter on Tel Aviv J Jaffa bdy. Troops called to scene and order restored. WO 261/571

14 DECEMBER 1947: 0320 hours bombs thrown at Arab cinema, Haifa. WO 261/571

14 DECEMBER 1947: At approximately 0700 hours 3 Jews fired on Arab bus 199213. Bus stopped, passengers ordered out. Bus then set on fire. Total casualties 3 Arabs wounded, one seriously. Additional patrols by TJFF and 3rd Hussars. WO 275/46

14 DECEMBER 1947: 6 AB Division, at 0700 hours, at 199213,3 Jews stopped a civilian bus. They fired several rounds into bus and ordered passengers out. They then set fire to the bus and escaped in a taxi. Casualties - 1 Arab seriously wounded, one Arab slightly injured. Arab reaction is expected. Half squadron TJFF and 1 Troop of 3 H have proceeded to Beisan. WO 261/571

14 DECEMBER 1947: 0700 hours Jews stopped civilian bus area Beisan 199213. They fired several shots into bus then ordered passengers out, set fire to bus and escaped in taxi. 1 Arab seriously injured. 1 Arab slightly injured. WO 261/571

15 DECEMBER 1947: 1230 hours, Arab bus fired on passing through Ras El Ain 143 167. 1 killed and 7 injured. WO 261/571

15 DECEMBER 1947: 1330 hours, Arab shot in leg, junction Stanton Street-El Bun Street, Haifa. 1 Arab shot. WO 261/571

18 DECEMBER 1947: Between 2100 hours and 2300 hours village attacked by Haganah. 2 houses demolished, 10 civilians killed, including 5 children. WO 275/46

18 DECEMBER 1947: I It is reported that at 2100 hours, 18 December, two lorry loads of armed Jews attacked the Arab village of Khisas north of Lake Huleh. They destroyed two houses, killed ten Arabs, including children, and wounded five, and withdrew leaving Hagana pamphlets. These claimed that the raid was a reprisal for the Huleh and Safad incidents. The situation immediately became very tense, and troops were called in to restore order. A road curfew has now been imposed. WO 275/64

18 DECEMBER 1947: 2100 hours, armed Jews believed from settlements near Dan 21 1293 and Dafna 209293 attacked with grenades Arab village Khisas 208292.2 houses destroyed. Arab - 10 dead (including children), and 5 wounded. Haganah pamphlets left behind. WO 261/571

18/19 DECEMBER 1947: 6 AB Division. On the night of 18 December, 2 lorryloads of armed Jews, believed to have come from settlements near Dan and Dasne attacked the Arab village of Khisas 208292. The attackers threw grenades and then withdrew. Unconfirmed casualty figures caused to the Arabs is given as 10 dead including several children, and 5 others wounded. Hagana pamphlets were found at scene of incident. WO 261/571

19 DECEMBER 1947: Midday 2 Arabs shot in Allenby Road, Haifa. WO 261/571

24 DECEMBER 1947: At 9 a.m., two Jews threw a bomb and fired at an Arab on Jerusalem I Jaffa road, slightly wounding him. CO 537/3855

24 DECEMBER 1947: Gaza District. At 1100 hours near Imara police post, Jews opened fire on three Arabs ploughing their lands. The Arabs were all killed. CO 537/3855

24 DECEMBER 1947: During the night, Jews attacked Beit Safafa Arab village with rifles and Bren guns. One Arab was killed. CO 537/3855

25 DECEMBER 1947: In the early hours of the morning, Jews placed a bomb in an Arab orange grove near Agrobank. Its explosion destroyed a hut and killed the Arab watchman. CO 537/3855

26 DECEMBER 1947: During the morning in Haifa, shots were fired at an Arab bus, killing one passenger. CO 537/3855

26 DECEMBER 1947: During the afternoon, armed Jews attacked a Bedouin encampment on Mount Carmel, killing one Arab child, seriously injuring another and slightly wounding an Arab man. CO 537/3855

26 DECEMBER 1947: At approximately 2200 hours, aparty of armed Jews (Irgun Z'vai Leumi) attacked Arab village of Silwan. 5 houses were damaged by grenades. CO 537/3855

26 DECEMBER 1947: During the night, 20 armed Jews attacked a Bedouin encampment south of the Jericho road killing one Arab woman. Livestock was also killed or injured in the attack. CO 537/3855

27 DECEMBER 1947: Shortly after midnight, armed Jews launched an abortive attack on an Arab cafe at Romema. No casualties and slight damage resulted. CO 537/3855

27 DECEMBER 1947: At about the same time, Jews deposited bombs which destroyed an Arab factory at Romema. CO 537/3855

27 DECEMBER 1947: At 0630 hours, an Arab was shot dead by shots fired at him from a passing car. CO 537/3855

28 DECEMBER 1947: 1 1 15 hours. A bomb was thrown from a Jewish bus into Socony Vacuum Station at Romema in Jerusalem. Some casualties were inflicted. The Stern Group was responsible. WO 275/64

28 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda. 1630 hours. On the Ramlema'ana track, an unidentified Jew fired upon Abdul Rahman Daoud Bedawi and his wife, both of Na'ana village. Bedawi was injured in the left arm and his wife in the left leg. Both were removed to Government Hospital, Jaffa - conditions not serious. CO 537/3855

28 DECEMBER 1947: Gaza. 2000 hours. In Beit Hanun village, Izzat Ibrahim Nassar of that village was fired upon from a passing pick-up as he was standing at the side of the road. One shot struck him in the abdomen. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Gaza, where his condition is reported as serious. CO 537/3855

28 DECEMBER 1947: Jerusalem. 2330 hours. A party of Jews attacked Ein Kaim village with grenades and automatic fire. They approached the village from the north and on foot. The attack lasted approximately 30 minutes, and the following casualties resulted: Dead - Ibrahim Moussa; Injured: Ismail Ali Jaber, Ismail Ahined Ismail, Mohammed Omar Khalil, Haj Mohammed Moussa Darwishi. All four injured persons were admitted to the Government hospital. CO 537/3855

28/29 DECEMBER 1947: Gaza. Midnight. At Herbiya village, Abdul Khalid Salman Da'our of that village while acting as village ghaffir, was shot and injured by unknown persons. He was admitted to Government Hospital, Gaza. His condition is not serious. CO 537/3855 29

29 DECEMBER 1947: 1230 hours. A taxi containing members of the Irgun Z'vai Leumi fired several shots from Stens near the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, and then threw a large bomb. Two British Constables were killed, 11 Arabs killed and 27 Arabs injured. Arabs returned fire, and the taxi was chased by a police car which was held up by an Arab road block. The thugs escaped. WO 275/64

29 DECEMBER 1947: Jerusalem. At 1237 hours, a green coloured taxi, number unknown, containing a number of Jews, believed dressed in Arab clothing, proceeded down Suleiman's Way; and on reaching Damascus Gate, the occupants threw an object from the taxi which exploded in the vicinity of a number of 'buses around which a large crowd of Arabs were standing, causing heavy casualties. A police Humber Snipe patrol car which was at Barclay's Bank at the time of the explosion gave chase to the vehicle but was prevented from apprehending the car after striking an unofficial Arab road-block in Saledin Road. The attackers' vehicle escaped. The casualties from the Damascus Gate incident are: Dead -Mohammed Ali Yassin of Silwan; Moussa Abdul Nebi of Old City; Abdul Rahim Bettar of Nablus; Thabet Asu'udi of Jerusalem; Hamdan Assafi of Arab Obadia; Khalil Hassan Ajlouni of Hebron; Shehadi Mohammed Moussa of Jerusalem; Nawall Shama'a of Musrara Quarter, aged 11; Sua'al Amasheh of Jerusalem, aged 10; an unidentified child, aged approximately 1 1; one unidentified male. CO 537/3855

29 DECEMBER 1947: Jerusalem. 1330 hours. At kilo 19 on the Jerusalem/Hebron road, a party of 20 Jews dressed in battledress and carrying rifles and automatics held up a shepherd, Kamil Mohammed Shewieh of Jard Shama'a, and stole forty goats and six sheep. They made off in the direction of Kefar Etzyon. CO 537/3855

29 DECEMBER 1947: An Arab Government doctor was assassinated by Jews at Bethlehem. CO 537/3855

29/30 DECEMBER 1947: Haifa. Jisr Zerka, Haifa, night of 29/30 December, 1947. Ahmed Hussein El Ali of Jisr Zerka was sitting in his hut on Benyamina lands when it was surrounded by several Jews. He ran away but was shot in the leg and slightly wounded. Two suspects, Meir Pollack and Gideon Cohen, both of Benyamina, have been arrested. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda. 0630 hours, Wilhelma cross-roads. An Arab truck carrying labourers from Ramle to Wilhelma was fired upon by unknown persons and Mo'awad Ragheb El Ditar, aged 20 of Ramle, was wounded in the leg. His condition is not serious. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: At about 1020 hours, on 30 December, 1947, Stern Gang members passing in a black taxi threw two home-made grenades into the large crowd of Arabs which normally assembles outside the CRL in the mornings in the hope of getting casual employment. 6 were killed, and a large number were wounded... WO 275/79

30 DECEMBER 1947: About 1100 hours, Jews in taxi threw 2 grenades at crowd of Arabs awaiting employment outside main entrance CRL Haifa... WO 261/571

30 DECEMBER 1947: Stern gang are at present carrying out a programme of what they are pleased to call intimidation attacks whose object in their eyes is to forestall Arab anti-Jewish troubles. Such attacks are similar to those launched by Haganah and IZL but, in line with Stern habits and facilities, are frequently more murderous and smaller in scope. One such attack took place at 1100 hours on 30 December, 1947, when Jews in a large black saloon car passing in front of the main entrance to CRL refineries, Haifa, threw two home-made normal anti-personnel grenades at a crowd of some hundred Arab civilians waiting outside the gate for employment as casual labour within the refinery. The grenades blew up killing some five Arabs and wounding, more or less seriously, some thirty-five others; the saloon car drove on and escaped. All the wounded Arabs were immediately taken to hospital in the back of a truck. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda. 1415 hours, Ramle/Rehovoth road. At Kilo 49 on the RarnleJRehovoth road, an Arab bus No. M 830 S, travelling from Ramle to Gaza, was fired upon by unknown persons from an orange grove. The driver carried on the Aqir where three of the passengers were placed in a passing truck and taken to the Government Hospital, Jaffa. A fourth wounded Arab was treated at Majdal P.H.D. The names of the injured persons, none of whom were seriously wounded, are as follows: Mohammed Yusef Amash of Sawafir Sharqiya, Shaker Mohammed Yusef Amash of Sawafir Sharqiya, Salim Sweilem Shehadi of Sawafir Sharqiya, Abdul Rahman Mohammed El Amin of Lydda. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: Haifa. 1950 hours. Haifa/Acre road. Automatic fire was directed at an Arab Legion road block on the Haifa/Acre road by unknown persons travelling in a pick-up No. M 4706. No casualties were sustained by the Legionnaires who returned the fire. The pick-up was pursued by Arab Legion personnel in an armoured car and, when the latter drew level, the pick-up stopped and three persons were seen to escape. In the vehicle were found Sten gun No. 20258 and a magazine containing 27 rounds of ammunition. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda. 2140 hours, Yazour, Ramle. An Arab house in Yazour village was surrounded by Jews who placed two bombs beside the building and made off in the direction of Agrobank. The bombs exploded shortly afterwards causing considerable damage but no casualties. A haversack containing gun cotton found at the scene was later detonated, causing no damage. CO 537/3855

30 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda. 2 140 hours, Ramleh. Reference the bombing of an Arab house in Yazur village by Jews on 30 December, 1947 - it is now reported that the owner of the house is Abu Namous. Namous, his wife and their son were slightly injured but not detained in hospital. CO 537/3855

31 DECEMBER 1947: Lydda District. 1130 hours, Tel Aviv. A party of ten Yemenite Jewish youths entered the house of Syvia Simandon at 47 Aharonson Street, Tel Aviv, and took an Arab, Rashid Mohammed Khalil(48) of Deir Qaddis, into the street where they stabbed him. He was removed to the Hadassah Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. CO 537/3855' MathewMunro (talk) 21:23, 25 November 2023 (UTC)

No proof

Where is the doc for the Plan D so people can see. All sources given are from palestinian persepctive, so it may be biased and i cant even find the Plan D and it seems fishy to me🤨 (talk) 05:15, 1 February 2024 (UTC)

Plan Dalet was an envelope name for a large number of individual orders and plans. Most of it is only available in Hebrew. Zerotalk 07:25, 1 February 2024 (UTC)

Deir Yassin massacre

Was the Deir Yassin massacre a part of Plan Dalet?

I made an entry at the Deir Yassin massacre talk page (Talk:Deir Yassin massacre#Part of Plan Dalet?) asking this question there as well.

The reason I ask is that Ilan Pappé in The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine seems to imply that it was, writing "The systematic nature of Plan Dalet is manifested in Deir Yassin, a pastoral and cordial village that had reached a non-aggression pact with the Hagana in Jerusalem, but was doomed to be wiped out because it was within the areas designated in Plan Dalet to be cleansed."

This article says that Deir Yassin was conducted "independently of Haganah or the framework of Plan Dalet", but provides no inline citation.

Also, this article says that Operation Nachshon was the "first operation" of Plan D, but then goes on to later say "However, Plan Dalet had not yet begun during Operation Nachshon."

- IOHANNVSVERVS (talk) 07:04, 24 March 2024 (UTC)

Updated the article here. -IOHANNVSVERVS (talk) 03:39, 6 April 2024 (UTC)

This article needs a lot of work

I recently fixed the false claims (stated without citation) that the Haganah did not take part in the Deir Yassin massacre and that the Deir Yassin massacre was not a part of Plan Dalet.

I've added a 'disputed' tag to the sentence in the lead which claims that "If no resistance was met, the residents could stay put, under military rule."

Also the lead currently seems to be confused over whether Plan Dalet was an offensive plan or if this is disputed.

- IOHANNVSVERVS (talk) 03:43, 6 April 2024 (UTC)